Re: History |
Posted By: DHalo <> | Date: 6/22/12 1:58 p.m. |
In Response To: Re: History (Cody Miller)
I would just like to point out that it is not always about the end, but also about the journey. Your perspective is that if there are periods of variability that culminate in one finite way, sure, the medium is not being taken full advantage of. Regardless, the periods of variability, however they are used, are still what make games a unique medium of story telling. Any movie or book's story can be told via a video game, but the only reason one would choose a video game as that medium is to offer periods of time where the player can "do their own thing," so to speak. Games that do this more often and make these moments more meaningful, as you say, are taking better advantage of the medium. However, I disagree that this takes any "control" away from the storyteller. The storyteller has written many many many DIFFERENT stories, depending on the actions the player takes. There is no way to make a truly free video game, thus there is always a story to tell. What makes the medium so fantastic is that it offers storytellers the opportunity to tell several stories tailored to the desires of the player, discovered simply by their actions and decisions, catering to various interest groups all in the same game.