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Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4
Posted By: uberfoopDate: 1/9/13 10:32 p.m.

In Response To: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4 (General Vagueness)

: - Why were the returning weapons changed in the ways they were?

Why have they always been changed drastically with each iteration?

: - related question: Why was the plasma rifle not good enough to come back?

My real guess? They probably thought that the classic design wasn't consistent with Halo 4's "realistic gritty" art style.

: - Why is the ability to zoom in as a monitor (like you can as a Spartan, not
: the "zoom" associated with an object being placed) not in Forge
: any more?

Probably an oversight.

: - What's the point of the Storm rifle?

What's the point of any of the redundancy?

: - Why is the ability to hold crouch to move slower as a monitor not in Forge
: any more?

Probably an oversight.

: - What's the point of Capt. Del Rio, besides being a pathetically obvious
: (and just pathetic) obstacle for the Chief (and Cortana) to overcome?
: follow-up question, why does he act like he a) doesn't like the Chief at
: all and b) doesn't understand that taking him into custody isn't going to
: happen without some serious speed, strength, and possibly firepower? Is he
: that stupid?

I actually almost liked that moment, in the sense that it's one of those few moments where the chief really nails the chief; in a sense, the "no, sir" is quite a bit like the "that's not going to happen" moment of Halo 1. It's quite well-styled, and it's unfortunate that it feels contrived.

: - Who thought the new Spartan armor looked good, especially the helmets?


: - What's with the fonts?

They suck.

: - related question: Did 343i do any testing with analog or SD TVs at all?

The fonts look annoying on an HDTV as well, even if they're somewhat more readable.

As far as in-game graphics are concerned, I don't see it as being that disastrous for SDTVs. The main issues for me were that SD CRTs are too vibrant for Requiem and Forerunner, and the cluttered interiors on Shutdown (which don't look especially great on any display) get terribly muddy at 480i.
In a few places I actually prefer how the game looks in SD; the heavy LOD is much less noticeable, and the thin line highlight specular aliasing in some places is very much reduced.

: - Why don't the Chief or Cortana say anything when the player finds logs from
: Halsey?

Their throats are sore from already talking more than ever before.

: - Why are the enemies at the end of Dawn and the beginning of Requiem dying?

Insufficient physical therapy. Knee care and all that good stuff.

: - Was that one repetitive message at the beginning of Requiem really supposed
: to say "Didact"? Was I really supposed to pick up on that? I
: thought it was a snippet of distorted Sangheili speech... I guess I
: shouldn't be surprised, what with the Forerunners' name for themselves
: apparently being " Forerunner "

Yeah, I didn't make it out on my first playthrough either. Halo 4 is obsessed with sound garbling.

: - Why have we not seen a single ODST in campaign or Spartan Ops?

Spartan IVs are the new ODSTs, I guess. :/

: - Why do the Sentinels just teleport away instead of getting destroyed and
: dropping a Sentinel beam?

Less objects for the engine to track.

: - Why are so many gametypes and gametype options gone? (I've heard things
: second-hand about streamlining the game; sources on that would be good,
: and an explanation would be better, assuming it's true)

Most likely development crunch. A lot of things aren't finished.

: - Who thought the sound design, and in particular the music, was good? Is it
: really just what's-his-face Brit guy (Neal something) and what's-his-face
: Japanese guy (something Sotaro?) that looked this over? Would it really
: have been impossible to just hire Total Audio to do the sound for the
: game? If not, why didn't 343i do it?
: - There still could've been some classic Halo songs in there, but they seem
: to be missing, why not use such an awesome resource?

I actually don't think the music is terrible, though it doesn't have quite the distinct character of Marty's. Actually, I think it often does a reasonably good job flowing consistently with the other aspects of the art design of given area; the atmospheric music on Forerunner, for instance.

Why they didn't use the classic Marty music is probably the same reason Marty minimized the use of his Halo Trilogy stuff when he made ODST and Reach; it wouldn't have fit quite right.

: - Who thought this ordnance system (with all the randomness and ability to
: pick and choose it has) was a good idea, or better than what we had
: before?


: - Does Halo 4 have a higher default movement speed, or is it your character's
: height, or is it the way maps are laid out, or is it just me?

I keep seeing people saying the movement feels fast, and I keep being confused. Halo 4's movement feels just as sluggish as Reach's to me, if not moreso.

: - Why is this a console game if I have to install stuff? follow-up question,
: why is there a second disk that has no uses except being installed and
: being used as a coaster?

Because the 360 can only read from a decade-old disc format, and because things load way faster off of a hard drive.

: - Where's my manual? you'd better not point me to that interactive guide
: thing, it's so slow, gimmicky, unintuitive, and just awful it's kind of
: not even funny... I love the environment and plants and trees probably
: more than the next guy, but what we got could've at least been better

-"You already know how to play Halo."
-Trees and moneys.

: - Who knew clicking the left stick to sprint would work so well?

The fish people.

: - Why are there Forerunner weapon racks all over Requiem (besides gameplay
: reasons)?

You mean UNSC racks? Forerunner racks would make sense.

Gameplay reasons.

: - Who thought the HUD was good? I saw a comparison here on the forum a little
: while back and it did improve from what we saw at E3 last year, but why
: stop there? Why not eliminate the pointless lines, the illegible text, and
: the blocked-off areas?

343i thought it was stylistically appropriate.

: - tie-in question, Why does everything slosh around like Spartans have
: waterbeds strapped to their heads? People have mentioned an "inside
: the helmet feeling" but is that even realistic or practical? Are
: there even real systems now or even in the past that have or had this
: problem?

Helmets *can* move relative to a persons head, though the sloshing is sort of on the crazy side.

: - The pulse grenade is interesting and fun to mess with sometimes, but it's
: not that useful overall... why is that, and why did it make the cut to be
: in the game?

Weapon redundancy policy meant that Prometheans needed a grenade.

: - How is someone that hasn't been reading the books or HBO supposed to
: understand around a third of what's going on?

They aren't.

: - Why does Spartan Ops have zero challenge the vast majority of the time? you
: just keep respawning with more ammo, and you can pick which weapons and
: equipment you want, and even if you don't go that route there's free ammo
: and weapons and grenades all over most of the levels, it even shows you
: where to get stuff

Because it's sloppily designed content which is pushed out with a priority for development speed over carefully created results.

: - Why are there so many spots where the graphics get all blocky? I'd show you
: what I mean but...

Because the 360 is 7 years old and running on less than 200 watts, and 343i prioritized a ton of up-front detail over overall scene integrity.

: - Where's my campaign and Spartan Ops theater/saved film capability?

Well, a screenshot utility wouldn't necessarily help; they always cut down on LOD issues in those crazy supersampled screenshots.

: - What ever happened to there being a fictional, in-game reason the
: Chief's armor is different ?

343i marketing.

Message Index


Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/9/13 9:24 p.m.
     This is the epitome of nitpicking.zoojoo 1/9/13 9:57 p.m.
           It's like you've never met GV before =P *NM*Lurono 1/9/13 11:52 p.m.
           Agreed.Ragashingo 1/9/13 11:59 p.m.
           Honestly...SonGoharotto 1/10/13 12:09 a.m.
           Re: This is the epitome of nitpicking.General Vagueness 1/10/13 12:53 p.m.
                 ITS OK.....zoojoo 1/10/13 2:00 p.m.
     Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4Avateur 1/9/13 10:12 p.m.
           Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/10/13 2:08 p.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4uberfoop 1/10/13 4:06 p.m.
                       Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 7:20 p.m.
                             Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4uberfoop 1/11/13 7:35 p.m.
     Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4uberfoop 1/9/13 10:32 p.m.
           Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 12:07 a.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4uberfoop 1/11/13 1:40 a.m.
                       Oops.uberfoop 1/11/13 1:42 a.m.
                       Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 11:18 p.m.
                             Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 11:34 p.m.
     Selected Sarcastic ResponsesRC Master 1/10/13 11:34 a.m.
           Re: Selected Sarcastic ResponsesGeneral Vagueness 1/11/13 5:56 p.m.
                 Re: Selected Sarcastic ResponsesRC Master 1/12/13 9:03 a.m.
                       Re: Selected Sarcastic ResponsesGeneral Vagueness 1/12/13 12:11 p.m.
     Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4scarab 1/10/13 12:35 p.m.
           Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 6:21 p.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4uberfoop 1/11/13 6:44 p.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4scarab 1/12/13 3:41 a.m.
     Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4Quirel 1/10/13 7:55 p.m.
           Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4snakegriffin 1/10/13 9:48 p.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4thebruce0 1/11/13 9:11 a.m.
           Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/11/13 7:50 p.m.
                 Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4Quirel 1/12/13 8:09 p.m.
                       Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/12/13 8:19 p.m.
                             Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4Quirel 1/13/13 6:31 p.m.
                                   Re: Questions: a (sort of) review of Halo 4General Vagueness 1/13/13 7:08 p.m.

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