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Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truth
Posted By: Flynn J TaggartDate: 3/25/12 12:48 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truth (scarab)

: I am not saying that people are wrong because they disagreed with me on that
: occasion. I am saying that they were wrong because they were wrong.

: Surely you can see the difference.

: For example I believe that the chemical formula for water is H2O. Other
: people may have a different opinion. Those people would be wrong. They
: wouldn't be wrong because I said so or because they had a different
: opinion from me. They would be wrong because the chemical formula for
: water is H2O. You can react 2 moles of hydrogen with one mole of oxygen to
: produce water. You can weigh the reactants and the product to see that the
: numbers match.

: Poor Cody :-) Sometimes he is right. But its not a matter of opinion that
: Bungie's intention was that Humans were Forerunners, it is a matter of
: fact.

: As for what 343i has in mind... I'm not sure and I don't really want to
: speculate. At least I don't feel driven to speculate.

: Well that's all back up in the air post Cryptum.

: Pre-Cryptum? because we are Humans and we are Reclaimers and we are
: Forerunners. None of those things are mutually exclusive. You can be a
: European, human, architect.

: Those Forerunners who lived after the array activation on Earth were
: Forerunners. They called themselves Humans (the English speaking ones did)
: and they were Reclaimers - those who would reclaim the Forerunner
: stuff/birthright/keys-to-the-array/whatever.

: How many titles have you had in your life? Have you been called a guy? a
: customer? Mister? an engineer? Maybe one day you will be a plaintiff or a
: defendant, the groom, the husband, a student, an HBOer.

: Post-Cryptum? ???

: I was snarky because we have had years of people being in denial.

: There was a time when people said that only the Chief was a Reclaimer. Then
: Sparky called Miranda and Johnson Reclaimers and people said that was only
: because they had sought the index (Reclaimer==anybody who seeks the
: index). Then CH had thousands of Reclaimer symbols on Harvest and some
: people said that maybe only some Humans are Reclaimers, we don't know for
: sure that thousands == all.

: MB says that were are his makers, we know that he was made by Forerunners yet
: people still tried to avoid the obvious.

: A Bungie grizzled ancient comes here and tells us what the plan was and
: people 'forget' that he did that.

: I'm annoyed by the sheer amount of energy people have put into denying a
: simple conclusion and I thought that if I made a fuss then maybe people
: won't forget in future.

To be honest I just completely ignore any speculation (and fiction) that doesn't acknowledge the fact that Halo 3 flat out says that humans are Forerunner. Period. We've had this confirmed through multiple external sources now and I have no interest in continuing to follow "Halo fiction" if the people in charge aren't sticking to the established facts.
I met Greg Bear during one of his signings a couple months back and I asked him directly if he was aware of 343 GS's quote from Halo 3 ("You are Forerunner") and he acted as if he was, so perhaps there is a long-term plan of reconciliation between the Cryptum origins of humanity and the established Bungie mythology, but until I hear it from people here, I won't know.

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A record of all OUR lost time. *SP*Joony Joon 3/24/12 2:21 a.m.
     Re: A record of all OUR lost time. *SP*CyberKN 3/24/12 4:58 a.m.
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                       Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthJoony Joon 3/24/12 2:46 p.m.
                       Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthGrimBrother IV 3/24/12 2:58 p.m.
                       Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthQuirel 3/24/12 4:32 p.m.
                             Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthscarab 3/24/12 8:37 p.m.
                                   Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthFlynn J Taggart 3/25/12 12:48 a.m.
                                         Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthscarab 3/25/12 5:51 a.m.
                                   Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthSIX min WHISTLE 3/25/12 7:53 p.m.
                                   Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthQuirel 3/25/12 10:56 p.m.
                                         Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthuberfoop 3/26/12 12:23 a.m.
                                         Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthscarab 3/26/12 6:31 p.m.
                       Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthHawaiian Pig 3/25/12 1:58 a.m.
                             Re: Many HBO peeps have blocked out the truthscarab 3/25/12 5:17 a.m.
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                             Re: News to mescarab 3/26/12 6:57 p.m.
     Re: A record of all OUR lost time. *SP*Mixmasterchief 3/24/12 6:20 a.m.
           Re: A record of all OUR lost time. *SP*Joony Joon 3/24/12 7:58 a.m.

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