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Reach, Rewritten: Nightfall
Posted By: General Battuta <>Date: 12/9/10 5:36 p.m.

This was easy compared to Sword Base. Just needed a few tweaks to give it a little more tension and context. Also, I never liked the end of level shot - the 'dramatic invading army' looked like a big purple blob with a ship over it, vaguely like some sort of Covenant Burning Man attended by the Fleet of Ecstatic Raving.

Here are links to the Halopedian level transcript, Winter Contingency Part 1, Winter Contingency Part 2, and ONI Sword Base.


A not-very-long time after ONI Sword Base; maybe twenty-four hours

The camera fades in on a cliffside at night.

26:30 Hours

A Phantom flies by with its search light on. Jun emerges from a concealed position behind a rock as the dropship passes. He nods to Noble Six, who follows Jun along the cliff edge.

* Jun: "Recon Alpha reporting: Three and Six in position. It's starting to get crowded up here, Kat."

* Kat (COM): "Then we're closing in on the main LZ. Report any Covenant emplacements or concentrations. No direct action until I make the call."

* Jun: "Copy that. (chuckling, to Six) Knowing Kat, I suspect we won't be waiting long."

Jun hands Six a magazine of sniper rounds.

* Jun: "Here. You may need these. This whole province is dead to satellites and ELINT...which means there could be an entire legion on safari in these foothills."

Jun and Six head further along the ledge, Jun reaches a boulder and starts to climb it.

* Jun: "I'll be in touch."

Noble Six slides down the ledge to the ground below.

...Too Quiet

* Kat (COM): "Recon Alpha, the Trafalgar lost a full squadron sweeping this area. Admiral Whitcomb believes that Viery is the main Covenant LZ. We need numbers and a location."

* Jun: "Navy detonated a nuke upwind of us on day one. Is the radiation going to be a problem?"

* Kat (COM): "Not for SPARTANs. Keep your armor sealed."

Six heads up along another ledge. An Elite stands watch over the area, back facing them, while a few Grunts sleep nearby.

* Jun: "Elite. He's yours, do it quiet."

Noble Six assassinates the Elite quietly.

* Jun: "Not bad."

Six eliminates the Grunts and continues forward, eventually reaching a Covenant-controlled complex.

* Jun: "Recon Bravo to Noble Actual, stand by for contact report."

* Kat (COM): "Standing by to copy, over."

* Jun: "We have eyes on multiple hostiles patrolling a settlement. It's too small to be anything but a picket, but I don't think we can get past."

* Kat (COM): "Agreed. Engage at your own discretion. I'll "

* Jun: "You heard her, Six. Drop those targets."

Once they open fire, the Covenant go to cover.

* Jun: "Your call, Six. Stay up here and pick them off, or move down and flush them out for my rifle."

If the player pushes down and draws the Covenant out, Jun will snipe them.

After a eliminating a few of the Covenant troops, a Phantom shows up.

* Jun: "Incoming. Looks like a reaction unit."

Jun and Six eliminate the rest of the Covenant in the area and continue on a trail behind the buildings, going further into the complex, soon finding an area with more Covenant troops.

* Jun: "Decapitate their leadership, and they always break. Except the suicidal ones. I hate them."

The Covenant in the area are quickly eliminated. Jun and Six find a trail leading away, with more Covenant troops advancing.

* Jun: "Visual on targets. What do you suppose they talk about, before we shoot them?"

After dealing with the enemy troops, Jun and Six continue down the trail.

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Jun and Six reach a clearing where some native large creatures are attacking Covenant troops. The Phantom overhead opens fire on them.

* Jun: "Guta. Must be their mating season. Let's sit this one out, Six."

If the player chooses to hang back and watch the Covenant fight the Guta:

* Jun: "So, Six. What do you think the Covenant are after? You know they only land if they want to take something intact."

If the dropship is still working on the Guta:

* Jun: "Kat has been on her last strike for a long time now. I'm just afraid the same things that made them put her in charge will get her iced."

If the player at any point draws the Gutas' attention:

* Jun: "Better find some high ground, Six. Those things can crush titanium-A."

If the dropship is overhead it will spotlight the SPARTANs and begin firing on them.

Once the Guta are dead and the dropship has pulled away.

* Jun: "Kat, we're clear of that little entanglement. Moving on. "

* Kat (COM): "Affirmative, Recon Alpha."

Jun and Six continue on, soon finding another trail.

* Jun: "We need to get a view out over the valley. Topographics suggest this trail."

While taking the trail they come across several Moa, soon hearing gunfire.

* Jun: "Gunfire...Kat would know about any Army deployments. Must be local militia."

The trail opens up to a pumping station. Several militia are under attack by Covenant forces.

* Jun: "Noble Leader, we've reached a pumping station. Militia are engaged with a Covenant patrol."

* Kat (COM): "Move to assist. They may have intel we need."

* Jun: "All right, Six. Let's show them where their misappropriated tax dollars go."

* Militia Trooper: "SPARTANs! They sent in the SPARTANs!"

After the Covenant troops in the area are eliminated, the group gathers around a couple briefcases.

* Militia Trooper: "Thanks for the backup. I thought they had us cornered."

* Jun: "What are you doing here? The whole area's supposed to be evacuated. Didn't you see the blasts?"

* Militia Trooper: "The military couldn't save anybody's home on Harvest or, or Jericho. Figured we had to do it ourselves. We left our bunkers for...this. We have 'em hidden all over the territory."

The briefcases electronically open to reveal various UNSC weapons.

* Jun: "Stolen materiel. Very enterprising."

* Militia trooper: "What? You gonna report it?"

* Jun: "No. Going to steal it back."

A Phantom shows up, and the group moves to defensive positions.

* Jun: "Another dropship coming in."

After dealing with the hostiles, a second Phantom shows up.

* Jun: "And another. They must be shuttling troops in from somewhere close...""

After eliminating the hostiles, yet another Phantom shows up.

* Jun: "How many dropships do they have airborne?"

Eventually, they eliminate the final wave.

* Jun: "I want your most scenic valley view. Someplace you'd take your wife."

* Militia trooper: "Road leads to a hydro-electric plant. The overlook is past the plant. but the gate doesn't work."

* Jun: "Alternate route?"

* Militia trooper: "We use the riverbed to smuggle rations, weapons..."

* Jun: "Basically anything the UNSC considers contraband."

* Militia trooper: "Planning to arrest us?"

* Jun: "No. Recruit you."

* Militia Trooper: "We're here for our homes. Not for you."

* Jun: "You know, my friend Emile gave me some advice about people like you. Please don't make me take it."

* Militia Trooper: "Fine. If it hurts the Covenant...we're in."

* Jun: "Show me."

The Spartans continue down the riverbed.

* Jun: "Tell me something about this place."

* Militia Trooper: "We dammed this river up forty-five years ago, plant powers every settlement in the territory. Shame if it all gets wasted."

* Jun: "Doing what we can."

A Phantom passes overhead.

* Jun: "Hold up. Covie dropship, take cover."

If the player is spotted by the searchlight, the dropship door will open and several Elites, including a Field Marshall, will open fire from inside. As soon as one of them loses shields, the dropship pulls off.

If the player is not spotted, the dropship's port door will open, and a Field Marshall will lean out as if sniffing at the air. After a while the dropship will move on.

* Jun: " that a friend of ours?"

After the Phantom has moved on.

* Jun: "OK, clear. Let's move."

I'll Just Leave This Here...

They continue on, eventually reaching the plant, which is under Covenant control. A Covenant pylon is seen near the plant.

* Jun: "Kat, are you seeing this? Covenant structure, kind of a big pylon. Heavily fortified."

* Kat (COM): "It's a broad-spectrum ECM device. Do you see any kind of visual distortion?"

* Jun: "There's a slight shimmering, about a hundred meters up...seems to go out a ways."

* Kat (COM): "It must be a camouflage variant of their theater shields, like the one from Arcadia. No wonder the orbitals can't find them."

* Jun: "Ok. Shall we take it down?"

* Kat (COM): "Negative. Hide a remote charge somewhere secure. If we drop the camo now, they'll scatter. We need time to plan our attack."

* Militia Trooper: "We gonna blow it?"

* Jun: "We're gonna clear the area, and I'm gonna plant a remote det charge. Why don't you provide some cover?"

They neutralize the guards on the bridge, attracting the attention of the other Covenant in the area.

After eliminating the Covenant forces in the area, Jun heads for one of the pylon's legs.

* Jun: "Cover me, Six. This is gonna take a minute, keep your eyes peeled."

A Phantom shows up and drops off a pair of Hunters, followed by another Phantom with an Elite Spec-Ops team. They are eventually defeated.

* Jun: "Recon Alpha to Noble Actual, charge placed."

* Kat (COM): "Somewhere inconspicuous, I hope."

* Jun: "Stuck it inside the pylon's power supply." This will in fact be where he places it, not right on the leg.

* Kat (COM): "All right. Keep pushing until you locate the LZ."

* Jun: "There's a gate to the southeast of the power plant."

* Kat (COM): "Copy. I have the manufacturer in my library. Uploading security codes to you now."

* Jun: "Okay, got 'em. Unlocking the gate."

The Spartans head through the gate, engaging more Covenant troops almost immediately.

* Jun: "Phantom. Their reactions are getting faster."

They advance further, engaging more Covenant troops and a Shade.

* Jun: "Shade gun. Outstanding. Draw fire, Six, I can't hit the gunner straight on."

If the player attracts the Shades' attention, Jun will snipe the gunners.

After neutralizing the Shade, they advance further. Multiple Banshees start flying overhead.

* Jun: "Lotta air traffic around here, Six. I think we're getting warm."

As they advance further in, they encounter more Covenant troops and several more Shades. Soon, a Covenant Corvette is seen holding position on the other side of the rock wall.

* Jun: "Noble Actual, we have eyes on at least one Covenant warship."

* Kat (COM): "Solid copy. Don't stop now. I need footage of the LZ and the ships around it."

Eventually, the Spartans and militia clear the area of hostiles.

* Jun: "Clear. Let's shoot some video, Six."

* Militia: "What about us?"

* Jun: "You can come with us. I expect you'll be shot. Or you can stay here. I expect you'll be shot...but it might mean a little more."


Jun and Six are shown crawling forward. A massive Covenant landing zone is shown ahead of them in the distance. In the middle of it is one of the Spires, clearly visible.

* Jun: "Jackpot."

* Noble Six: "Transmitting visual."

* Jun: "You seeing this, Kat?"

* Kat (COM): "Confirmed. Receiving Noble Three and Noble Six's live visual of the Covenant LZ. They're not dug in, waiting for relief...that's a pre-operational posture."

* Jun: "Agreed. They're about to try for a breakout. Kat, what's that structure?"

* Kat: "Looks like a theater shield generator...and a damn big one. That thing might stop nukes."

* Jun: "So much for artillery or missiles. We'll have to get in under the shield if we want to smother this thing."

* Kat (COM): "Agreed. Disengage and fall back. I'll be in conference with Colonel Holland. I expect tomorrow will be a very lively day."

Fade to black.

Level ends.

-Since no other Recon team is ever addressed until the end of the mission, team name changed to Alpha
-Mission specified, early on, as locating main Covenant LZ
-UNSC Trafalgar mentioned; Whitcomb mentioned
-Nuclear deployment mentioned; highlights SPARTAN strengths
-Jun got some more dialogue riffing off his 'Kill the enemy, but do not hate them' line
-Guta fight made more interesting
-New dialogue between Jun and the militia added
-Encounter with Field Marshall added, hinting that the Zealots may be hunting Noble
-Jamming pylon's abilities expanded, tied in to other Halo fluff
-Jun given useful stuff to do during Shade encounter
-Jun gives the militia a cynical fairwell
-Covenant in LZ described as preparing for a major breakout
-Spire sighted in Covenant LZ; identified as theater shield

Message Index


Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/9/10 5:36 p.m.
     Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallHawaiian Pig 12/9/10 6:17 p.m.
     Not bad.BlueNinja 12/9/10 6:18 p.m.
           Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/9/10 6:20 p.m.
                 Re: Not bad.BlueNinja 12/9/10 6:36 p.m.
                 Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/9/10 6:39 p.m.
                       Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/9/10 6:47 p.m.
                             Re: Not bad.General Vagueness 12/9/10 7:38 p.m.
                                   Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/9/10 7:44 p.m.
                                         Re: Not bad.SonofMacPhisto 12/9/10 7:50 p.m.
                                         Re: Not bad.General Vagueness 12/10/10 1:29 a.m.
                                               Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 8:01 a.m.
                                                     Re: Not bad.Wayward Spleen™ 12/10/10 8:59 a.m.
                                                           Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 9:31 a.m.
                                                                 Re: Not bad.Wayward Spleen™ 12/10/10 9:50 a.m.
                                                                       Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 9:55 a.m.
                                                                             Re: Not bad.Wayward Spleen™ 12/10/10 10:10 a.m.
                                                                                   A wizard did it. *NM*Beckx 12/10/10 10:14 a.m.
                                                     Re: Not bad.Kermit 12/10/10 10:23 a.m.
                                                           Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 10:59 a.m.
                                                                 i fail so hard *NM*General Battuta 12/10/10 10:59 a.m.
                       Re: Not bad.BlueNinja 12/9/10 7:09 p.m.
                       Re: Not bad.Kermit 12/9/10 8:23 p.m.
                             Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/9/10 9:34 p.m.
                                   Re: Not bad.7he grunt w/a plasma pistol 12/9/10 9:57 p.m.
                                   Re: Not bad.Kermit 12/9/10 10:46 p.m.
                                         Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/9/10 11:02 p.m.
                                               Re: Not bad.Quirel 12/9/10 11:16 p.m.
                                                     Re: Not bad.Quirel 12/9/10 11:17 p.m.
                                                           Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/9/10 11:55 p.m.
                                                                 Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 12:01 a.m.
                                                                       Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/10/10 12:35 a.m.
                                                                             Re: Not bad.General Vagueness 12/10/10 1:38 a.m.
                                                                                   Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 8:02 a.m.
                                                                                         Re: Not bad.Hikaru-119 12/10/10 12:38 p.m.
                                                                                               Re: Not bad.General Battuta 12/10/10 12:55 p.m.
                                               Re: Not bad.Hawaiian Pig 12/10/10 1:04 a.m.
     aaaaaaaaaghGeneral Battuta 12/9/10 6:24 p.m.
     A much tighter rewrite *NM*SonGoharotto 12/9/10 7:07 p.m.
     Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallSonofMacPhisto 12/9/10 7:15 p.m.
           Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/9/10 7:17 p.m.
                 Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallSonofMacPhisto 12/9/10 7:24 p.m.
                 Furthermore...SonofMacPhisto 12/9/10 7:43 p.m.
                       Re: Furthermore...Hawaiian Pig 12/9/10 9:38 p.m.
     Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallQuirel 12/9/10 10:26 p.m.
           Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/9/10 10:27 p.m.
                 Yes and No7he grunt w/a plasma pistol 12/9/10 10:31 p.m.
                 Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallQuirel 12/9/10 11:10 p.m.
                       Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/9/10 11:16 p.m.
                             Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallQuirel 12/10/10 12:23 a.m.
                                   Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallLouis Wu 12/10/10 7:35 a.m.
                                         Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/10/10 8:03 a.m.
                 Alien bastards are gonna pay for busting my rideBeckx 12/10/10 7:40 a.m.
                 Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallHikaru-119 12/10/10 12:42 p.m.
                 Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallSonGoharotto 12/10/10 4:29 p.m.
                       Re: Reach, Rewritten: Nightfall7he grunt w/a plasma pistol 12/10/10 4:44 p.m.
                             Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallSonGoharotto 12/10/10 7:31 p.m.
     I really like these.SPARTAN-034 12/9/10 10:37 p.m.
     Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallArchilen 12/10/10 8:17 a.m.
     There is a a Recon AlphaHikaru-119 12/11/10 9:10 p.m.
           Re: There is a a Recon AlphaGeneral Battuta 12/11/10 10:06 p.m.
                 Re: There is a a Recon AlphaHikaru-119 12/11/10 10:18 p.m.
                       Re: There is a a Recon AlphaGeneral Battuta 12/11/10 10:55 p.m.
                             I did one better than write a quoteHikaru-119 12/11/10 11:06 p.m.
                                   Re: I did one better than write a quoteGeneral Battuta 12/11/10 11:11 p.m.
     Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallJo 12/11/10 10:47 p.m.
           Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/11/10 10:54 p.m.
                 Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallJo 12/11/10 11:20 p.m.
                       Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallGeneral Battuta 12/11/10 11:28 p.m.
                             Re: Reach, Rewritten: NightfallJo 12/12/10 1:34 p.m.

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