: I genuinely believe this is Aye Mak Sicur station, which I think other people
: have suggested as well, but just shown in a different style of
: architecture. This further reinforces the idea that Infinity isn’t
: interested in creating a literal canon and more interested in exploring
: the possibilities of this universe (like the Mullins art).
According to Randy (the level creator) this was the last level made for Infinity and was designed to give you that deja vu feeling with Arrival in M1. So yes, it looks different from AMS and its failure variants thus breaking "literal canon".
: The level ends with a terminal of white text similar to Thoth’s in M2, but I
: do not believe this is Thoth, since he very likely has not been activated
: in this timeline. The login icon is similar to S’pht-Durandal’s, but I
: don’t think is it either; S’pht-Durandal does not demonstrate the ability
: or knowledge of traveling to other timelines anywhere in this game. Mostly
: likely this is non-diegetic narration.
: Presumably, the release of the W’rkncacnter is what triggers the main
: character to switch timelines at this point. Either this is a choice by
: the character or something caused by Jjaro technology. My personal theory
: is that the timeline jumps and much of the white text we see (that many
: people consider to be Thoth) is actually some type of intuition granted to
: the main character through his Jjaro implants which become activated in
: the presence of the W’rkncacnter.
This is what Greg K and Chris G said about the SO's ability to time jump:
"Yes, the player is jumping from a number of possible futures trying to find the path (eat the path) that will allow him to survive the cataclysm on Lh'owon, and unite him with 11th clan in a way that Durandal never could. How the player is able to do this jumping has to do with the unique interaction between Jjaro technology and sentient creatures."