In Response To: Cortana's holograph can move things? (Mauriac)
: As always, I'm sure I'll figure out how just a few minutes after I post this,
: but I'll do it anyway. In the beginning cinamatic of Two Betrayels
: (misspelled, I know), she takes the Index out of the controll room's main
: panels, and waves it around in GS's face. Now, not to belittle the
: technology of the day, but I though Cortana was an AI, sometimes taking
: shape as a holograph. Holographs, of course, are not actual physical form,
: just light made to look like physical form. How, then, could she pick it
: up? Admittedly, it might just be a hologram of the Index, but the fact
: that it's missing from the controll room is what prevents GS from
: obliterating the galaxy. Finally, what does the MC do with it? He doesn't
: take it out of the controll room, just Cortana's memory chip. Does it just
: dissapear? Perhaps Cortana scrambles it somehow...
To explain why Cortana can move it, she is constructed of photons ('light'), which have the ability to move solid matter.