In Response To: idiot's summary (gspawn)
: [total opinion here, since I imagine you're writing / using the numbers]
: I think this comes from the fact that MAC guns on human ships were built for
: standard, human, vessell-to-vessell combat, while SuperMACs were built to
: kock the **** out of anything in range. Remember the talk in FoR about how
: the Pillar of Autumn couldn't mount any anti-fighter guns anywhere near
: the MAC because they'd get magnetized? MAC guns on human ships seem so
: underpowered because building them big enough to do the "big"
: jobs would magnetize the whole ship (and be a huge waste since most larger
: ships' MACs can punch a hole straight through unshielded vessels). Of
: course, comparitively, modern bullets only need to do upwards of ~1,000m/s
: to take care of anything in their path. Also, the rounds fired from all
: MAC guns are superdense mofo materials, so hefting something so massive to
: that speed is already enough force that it probably factors into steering
: the ship...
well now remember, not only would the ship get magnitized, but it would take a very large power source to power the mac gun, plus the engines, plus life suport, etc..., the ship's engine can only make so much power.
know if i recall. the supermac guns got their juice from their each individul powerplant on the surface, (how the power gets from surface to gun, i don't know) so the mac gun has access to more power.