: I disagree, on at least two or maybe three instances. In RED the player winds
: up practically the utmost of evils, raising serious ethical problems, and
: certainly not straight scifi thriller fare. In Rubicon too, both endings
: are bittersweet with a good share of darkness. And finally, Eternal ends
: with the pathetic death of a tortured soul who, even when she finally
: tries to be good, cannot help but be the very embodiment of evil; and the
: destruction of nearly all sentient life in the galaxy AT YOUR HANDS for
: the "greater good" of the future you know that act will cause.
Still, I see what Goran is saying. In Eternal, the player is still not the force behind his own actions. You never see the player speak, you never see his emotions, you never see him making decisions. Even though you yourself are not making the decisions, it really creates a very different feel. Just pointing that out. I still think Eternal's storyline kicks ass. I hope that we can craft the terminals to get the most out of the story, to make the player (I mean the person at the computer, sorry that I said "player" before refering to the marine) feel as much emotion as possible through the plot and really care about the direction in which it goes. Well, thats my two and a half cents.