First off, I'd like to thank Steve for his earlier post on adapting Rubicon to work with AO Carbon/OS X. I didn't think it would work since the same trick for RED didn't work, but on 10.3.3, Rubicon as far as I know works perfectly.
I'm trying to do the same trick for Tempus Irae and Marathon: EVIL, using the ResEdit patches available on the Marathon Archives. (I got EVIL to work with AO/OS X by changing the type/creator codes of the data files but I'd like to get the transparacy effects and improved Nuke Mortar HUD readout from the patch file.) So what text resources am I to cut and paste into the global.txt file?
My other question is about something I read on long ago that was called "Bridges and Balconies". Apparently it was so revolutionary that the Nardo Group was going to put it into an all-new version of TI for Aleph One. So what happened to it?
Oh, and one more thing for Mark, Steve, and Dr. Sumner regarding RED: did you ever find the High Velocity Sub-Orbital Pissed Off Weasel?