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Re: Captain Obvious Moment:
Posted By: Quirel <>Date: 7/31/11 6:29 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Captain Obvious Moment: (Dagoonite)

: True. While I agree with you on that (Nice job using Mickey as an example,
: BTW) I want to play devil's advocate and mention that we don't really hear
: the troops ever use a designation, just the informal name. With the
: military oddities of the UNSC, I don't find it completely unbelievable
: that the average trooper doesn't know the proper designation of a Covenant
: vehicle. They're told the informal (propaganda) name and are done with it.

I don't know. If the people who can use it (Frontline soldiers, artillery spotters, advance scouts) don't know it, then it's kinda useless.

To take a WWII example, the MG-42 was known to the average Allied soldier as the MG-42; they even had a special training video to introduce them to the weapon and point out how it was inferior to the Allied equivalents (Oh, were they in for a surprise).

Didn't stop those very same soldiers from dubbing it "Buzzsaw" and "Hitler's Zipper."

: Which makes me wonder what the Covenant call their stuff. I honestly doubt
: that they'd call their own vehicles after evil spirits or the like.

As a fanfiction writer who has done several scenes from Covenant POV, I've sat awake for hours pondering that question.

: Quite possibly nothing, or maybe the Prowler. To me, the Covenant never
: seemed to be big on multipurpose platforms or two things that fill the
: same basic job. (With the Brutes being the big exception to the rule.)

Meh. I don't buy that.
I can't believe that a intermediate-sized vehicle with a heavier cannon and room for infantry ride along in was never included in the Covenant arsenal before the war. Such an omission speaks volumes of a race that fights and strategizes in a completely alien way, and the Covenant aren't that alien.
It would be like landing on a planet, discovering a technological alien race with the same size and dexterity as humans, and they've never invented a weapon that could be classified as an assault rifle.

Maybe the Shadow was a lot more common than it was in 2552.

: One thought that I had at one point is that the Spectre is a direct response
: to Covenant adaptation. They see a design that works (the Worthog) and try
: to replicate it under their own aesthetics/philosophy. ("Obviously we
: aren't using human weapons. Look, it hovers and doesn't shoot
: bullets!")

Lol. The Spectre being introduced with features inspired by the Warthog. That I can believe.

: I used to steal the Jack Handy line that I hear voices in my head, but
: because they speak Portuguese I don't know if they're telling me to do
: good or evil.

"Four out of five voices in my head support killing you. That fifth one voted "Spinach."

: Sadly, even after doing a quick check of my archives (AKA the bookshelf of
: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot) I can't find anything offhand about it. I probably
: have something on it around here somewhere, but not in my quick reference
: books. My knowledge base before the turn of the century and after WWII is
: rather scattershot, with no apparent rhyme or reason as to what I hold
: onto and what I don't. Too far back and I start to lose my feeling of
: modern, and anything beyond the world wars starts to lose the romance (for
: lack of a better term).

Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about. The Korean War is interesting, but after that things got less black and white.

And as an engineer, I've loved the innovation we saw in WWII. We built advanced cryptography computers to make and break codes. We figured out how to armor our airplanes by plotting where the bullet holes were on the returns, and increasing the armor where NO bullet holes showed up. We used statistics to determine how many Panzers were being produced from captured road wheels. We developed the first cruise missiles, the first jet airplanes, the first assault rifles, the first modern tanks and submarines. Rocket science advanced by leaps and bounds, because the Versailles Treaty said nothing about rockets. HEAT shells and discarding-sabots and fin-stabilized bunker busters were developed. Napalm, nerve gas and and skip-bombs and nuclear weaponry...

And when you really want to get crazy, you just look at the stuff that didn't quite get developed. Artillery that could shoot from France to London, 1,500 ton tanks, napalm bat-bombs and giant unsinkable aircraft carriers made from ice and wood pulp. It's just awesome.

WWII was a period when we stepped from the past into the future. It was a war fought by technological progress just as much as it was fought by soldiers. That beats the Hell out of a ten-year counterinsurgency any day...

Message Index


Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 10:23 a.m.
     That both cool and new to me. *NM*ElzarTheBam 7/31/11 10:34 a.m.
     Re: Captain Obvious Moment:General Vagueness 7/31/11 10:47 a.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 10:53 a.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:General Vagueness 7/31/11 1:22 p.m.
     Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Dagoonite 7/31/11 11:33 a.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 2:09 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:TDSpiral 7/31/11 2:27 p.m.
                       Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Leviathan 7/31/11 2:33 p.m.
                       Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 2:47 p.m.
                             Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Leviathan 7/31/11 3:43 p.m.
                                   Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 4:11 p.m.
                                         Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Leviathan 7/31/11 4:17 p.m.
                                               Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 4:19 p.m.
                                               Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 4:42 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Dagoonite 7/31/11 4:18 p.m.
                       Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 4:48 p.m.
                       Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 6:29 p.m.
     Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 1:32 p.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:General Vagueness 7/31/11 1:34 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:FyreWulff 7/31/11 2:48 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 5:03 p.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 2:02 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 2:33 p.m.
     Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Gravemind 7/31/11 4:44 p.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 7/31/11 4:58 p.m.
                 Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Gravemind 7/31/11 7:48 p.m.
           Re: Captain Obvious Moment:Quirel 7/31/11 5:46 p.m.

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