In Response To: Asprin! (Forensic)
> Whooo... I can't visualize this at all. I thought I knew what a
> halo orbit was, but clearly I don't. Maybe it's the spinning
> camera, but this applet melts my mind, man...
All three (non-central) bodies are orbiting the central sun. The rightmost, planet-sized body is in a nice circular orbit ("Johannes who?"); the other two smaller satellite-weight bodies start out on that circular orbit track but do not remain in perfectly circular orbits around the sun, due to the influence of the heavy planet. What the simulation shows is, essentially, the difference between their positions and a perfectly circular orbit (as timed by the planet).
The lower body, being very near the L5 point, ends up wobbling around in a band but constantly being corrected enough that it never gets too far from the L5 point; the result, as seen from the planet's point of view, is that the L5 satellite wobbles around a "fixed" point (fixed on the orbit, that is). The other satellite, starting way too far from the also-stable L4 point, shows what happens when you try to set up shop too near the orbit of an existing body: it wanders all over the place as seen by the planet, and its orbit track as seen by the fixed stars would be a complete mess. Eventually, it would probably be ejected from this little solar system entirely (though the simulation would have to include the momentum exchange between the satellite and then planet, which is might not be doing).