: Okay. Reading over the previous discussions, I've decided to take a wild leap
: concering the Thoth term on 'We're Everywhere!', mostly based on
: circumstantial evidence, and making a number of assumptions.
: Now Thoth was a S'pht AI created to preserve balance on the planet, but if
: the clans were in near-constant warring strife, none of these would have
: created a device that would keep themselves from gaining an advantage over
: the others. Thoth must have been made by some outside power, probably Yrro
: himself. Thoth even asks on a different terminal "Has(is?) jjaro
: come?" Which would indicate that he would respond to Yrro, any other
: of the Jjaro, or their creations.
: Now. We know that the Jjaro had superb cybernatic technologies that could go
: so far as to even grant sentience to other species. These devices were
: used to create the S'pht, and attatching one to the Drinnol caused a
: massive slave rebellion. Going back to the old text from the Infinity end
: screen "A long-dead man built with machines his makers didn't
: understand", we can make an inference that the player may have been
: built with Jjaro cybernatic technology. They certainly knew of the Sol
: system, and may have left something behind.
: So, maybe the Thoth term is responding to the detection of Jjaro cybernetics
: in the player, giving the proper pre-recorded response to such parameters?