: Seeing as how all the eyes are positioned on the front of the skull, we can
: assume they are carnivores.
I disagree - look at humans. Although most of us eat meat, this is a recent addition to our diets which is the reason we have problems handling cholesterol. Our ancestors were clearly herbivorous and we still have the gut and physiology to go along with a vegetarian diet. If you look at our carnivorous pets, their intestines are significanlty shorter than ours in proportion - not nearly as much transit time is needed to break down animal proteins - and they have the physiology to deal with significant amounts of animal fat, which we do not. Feed a rabbit an animial-based diet, on the other hand, and they will develop severe atherosclerosis. We are truly omnivorous - we started out as herbivores, but our ancestors developed a survival advantage by learning to supplement their diets with meat in lean years. Those that could handle animal fat had a survival advantage, but there still hasn't been enough time to cleanse the gene pool of those who develop atherosclerotic disease, attesting to the relative recency of carnivorous behavior. So why are our eyes in front if we didn't evolve as carnivores? Simple - our ancestors were tree dwellers and needed depth perception to jump around in the forrest canopy.
Now for my rant. Folks, we are once agian succumbing to anthropormophism and earthomorphism. We are assuming that Pfhor evolution was similar to humans and that they're eye design is based on concepts found on Earth. We know that they eveolved in a much lower gravity environment and I think, based at least on our first encounters with the Pfhor ship, that Pfhor prime also had much less ambient light than earth. One approach to low-light environments is a larger eyeball, hence the depictions of large eyed aliens in the popular press. If you look at earth-bound nocturnal animals, however, they have larger corneas - this might explain the Pfhor appearance of bright red eyes - the entire external surface of the eye could be one very big lense - hell, the eye itself could be virtually any shape. Indeed, the fighter sprite suggests bulbous eyes that protrude from the head - this could represent a large spherical lense - if we have simple eyes. Could these be compound eyes? Well, compound eyes have a number of advantages, including greater light sensitivity, but with a huge trade-off between sensitivity and resolution. Compound eyes do not need to focus the way ours do, but they lose the ability to collect light over the entire surface area of the eye. On the other hand, the Pfhor eye could be of a design not even conceived of by humans.
Other aspects of Pfhor design - I'm not thrilled with the images of Pfhor mouths seen in the games themselves. I again caution against comparisons to earth insects - our classifications probably do not fit life on other planets - but I tend to think that the Pfhor mouth is very un-human - designed for different functions. Speaking of which, I significantly prefer the sound of Pfhor speach in M1 than in M2/I. And who knows if their speech even comes from the mouth.