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Halo 4 and Gen Y's libido
Posted By: Cody Miller <>Date: 2/7/13 12:38 a.m.

Why is masturbation so exciting? Believe it or not, Halo 4 has the answer.

Despite what you may think, media absolutely positively shapes people's views of the world, and of society. Remember Sex and the City? Most people in the country didn't watch it, yet I'm sure most people heard about it. On the show women openly and bracingly discuss and share their sex lives. Even if you don't watch the show, that sticks with you as part of a cultural background noise. You think, oh. Women do that now.

So while Sex and The City did this for Gen X, Girls is doing it for Gen Y.

What did we learn from 80s action movies? These stories nearly always revolved around an everyday guy, who rises to the occasion, defeats the bad guy, and gets the girl. He doesn't get the girl until he saves the day. This is important.

This partially explains why women right now have higher sex drives than men in relationships (Look it up it's true). You think that's strange. Conventional wisdom says that it's because of all the porn we look at now, and that women in real life can't live up to the fantasy, thus turning men to masturbation. This is wrong.

Porn's the distraction, not because the women don't live up to the fantasy, but because MEN don't live up to the fantasy. They're not the fantasy man they think they are. They didn't save the city from terrorists. They don't even drive an audi or make 900 grand a year. They've been taught love is tied to accomplishment, and accomplishment is used to build identity. Career, money, finally the woman.

So, he retreats because he is afraid of actual sex. You can put up a front and project an identity throughout the day, but when the clothes come off the real you is exposed. You can't fake it during sex. And since he's not the man he hope to be, he avoids it because then she's realize it too and leave you for the real hero. Meanwhile he waits until one day he's the hero.

The action movie tells men: you get people to like you by being a winner.

Here comes the Master Chief. He's the Hero, but he never got the girl. He's also a psychopath (Halsey later confirms this in Halo 4). Not in the sense that he's a raving killing lunatic, but in the sense that he doesn't sympathize with others or show that much emotional attachment. He only cares about winning. Except with Cortana…

Is it not odd, and telling, that he is semi-sexually attracted to what amounts to a fantasy woman? A real woman would see right through him as he is unable to connect with her emotionally on any significant level, however with her he can keep up the front and be the actual action hero, saving the day as he finds a way to cure her rampancy while defeating the Didact.

Winning over a real woman would require human connection, which he lacks, but winning over Cortana is as easy as the action star who gets the girl. Cortana is someone he physically can't be with, thus his constructed identity never has to come down around her. He doesn't need to retreat to porn to avoid human connection; he has a virtual woman with whom he can share in his constructed narrative of his masculine identity.

Cortana is the porn star, reminding you of how much she likes him and how good he is with no chance of finding out the truth, because the interaction is virtual. Cortana doesn't see the sun as we see the sun; she sees it as a series of mathematical and physical equations. She sees the superficial, not the actual, which makes her the perfect fantasy woman.

The Master Chief is a proxy for the men of Gen X and Gen Y, who are holding out until they are the hero…

Message Index


Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoCody Miller 2/7/13 12:38 a.m.
     Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoGrizzlei 2/7/13 12:56 a.m.
           Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoMiguel Chavez 2/7/13 2:00 a.m.
                 Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoCody Miller 2/7/13 10:06 a.m.
                       Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoPostmortem 2/7/13 11:10 a.m.
                             So this was a discussion about Halo?Grizzlei 2/7/13 11:22 a.m.
                             Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoCody Miller 2/7/13 11:25 a.m.
                                   Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidothebruce0 2/7/13 3:24 p.m.
                                   Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoGeneral Vagueness 2/7/13 8:12 p.m.
                             Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoRevenant1988 2/7/13 2:30 p.m.
     Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidohunt3r 2/7/13 2:58 a.m.
           Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoGeneral Vagueness 2/7/13 7:56 p.m.
                 Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidohunt3r 2/8/13 12:06 a.m.
     Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoSonGoharotto 2/7/13 11:29 a.m.
           Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoCody Miller 2/7/13 12:11 p.m.
           Re: Halo 4 and Gen Y's libidoGeneral Vagueness 2/7/13 8:15 p.m.

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