In Response To: I'll take a stab at it. (Tursas)
: What are symbols that represent the earliest form of Jjaro communication
: doing written on a hologram in a hallway on a ring construct forgotten in the
: mists of time? One possible answer is that the language IS
: in its advanced form as seen in the holograms.
Once again. Really good point. I see where you're coming from, and I believe it is safe to assume that these are relativly advanced symbols, considering their movement into the third dimensional plane. (Even humans don't work that way... well... not yet.) These characters could be very complex, with subtile meaning and multiple meanings. Think about Chinese Kanjis for a mintue and then come back to me.
But when I said the beginning of phonetics it was directed at the Covenant. They probably based their language off the Jjaro, and hence took their symbolic language from them. Thanks all!