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I'll take a stab at it.
Posted By: Tursas <>Date: 4/10/01 11:25 p.m.

In Response To: Those funky symbols... (Louis Wu)

"These symbols like Chinese, Mayan, or Egyptian writings of our particular culture represent the very beginning of phonetic symbols."

Yes, they might, but then they might not, either. We might assume that these characters "represent the very beginning of phoenetic symbols" because of their complexity, (For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, the Old Egyptians used symbols as their characters in writing. Early in the development of the language, the picture of a jackyl might represent the word "Bungie" {as an example}. In time the diagrams were simplified to jackyls' heads and further to jackyls ears'. The idea is that over time the diagrams used in language became simpler and simpler, facilitating faster writing.) but that observation begs one question: what are symbols that represent the earliest form of Jjaro communication doing written on a hologram in a hallway on a ring construct forgotten in the mists of time? If the symbols do belong to the language of the ring builders, why do we assume that the symbols represent the beginnings of the language, considering the technologically advanced surroundings which would indicate that the language should be far more advanced than it looks to be? One possible answer is that the language IS in its advanced form as seen in the holograms.

"It would be logical to assume that these Jjaro symbols represent the seed of the tree of Covenant language."

With this I agree. In Cortana Letter 3a we read, "They own nothing which they have not stolen." which, presumably, includes their alphabet. Whether or not the Covenant understand the symbols as they are understood by the builders is something else completely. (Imagine that - one symbol representing the equivalent of the word 'on' to the Jjaro could be interpreted by the Covenant as 'house pet'. That's funny to me at three in the morning.) Of course, this is assuming that the "stolen" articles are all from crashsites and abandoned colonies of the builders.

Of course, everything is thrown out the window when somebody in the back row pipes up with the question, "but what if these symbols don't represent a phoenetic language?" Could these symbols be numbers instead of words? Or are they simply images from a screen saver that some hippie-type member of the builders society decided would make for some "pretty trippy" reactions from whoever came along and found them? Bungie knows.

Message Index


Those funky symbols...Louis Wu 4/10/01 8:23 p.m.
     I'll take a stab at it.Tursas 4/10/01 11:25 p.m.
           Re: I'll take a stab at it.Mike Sholl 4/11/01 7:40 a.m.
     Re: Those funky symbols...Thomas Magle Brodersen 4/11/01 2:29 a.m.
     Re: Those funky symbols...FoxHound 4/11/01 5:53 a.m.
           Re: Those funky symbols...Mike Sholl 4/11/01 7:41 a.m.
                 Re: Those funky symbols...FoxHound 4/11/01 9:57 a.m.
     Re: Those funky symbols...jake bromberg 4/11/01 12:12 p.m.
           psjake bromberg 4/11/01 2:02 p.m.
                 Re: psFoxHound 4/12/01 3:59 a.m.
           aye, good point :> (nt)FoxHound 4/11/01 2:18 p.m.

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