In Response To: weapon calcs. (johnconstantine)
: I have another question in particular: On pg. 283 of "Fall of
: Reach", Nylund stated that the SMAC round travelled at "point
: four-tenths the speed of light".
: This doesn't make much sense. Did he mean .4c or .04c? I have assumed thus
: far that it was a typo and he meant .4c since the Covenant ships are so
: extremely tough, especially since it took the 'Commonwealth' 90 Archer
: missiles, 2 MAC rounds, 1 Shiva nuke and a squad of Longswords to cripple
: (not destroy) a Covenant ship (1/3 it's size no less). I would say that's
: roughly the equivalent of 5 Teratons (roughly).
Do you have any idea how fast .4c is? The amount of energy required to accelerate a mass as large as a MAC round to .4c almost instantly would be insane, and the UNSC would have to be INCREDIBLY STUPID to decide to use that energy for a simple projectile weapon; it would do a lot more damage if they just used it for a battery of lasers (that's a lot of lasers...) or some other sort of emissions-based weapon.
.04c it is.