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My hopes Long | |
Posted By: Desio <ESRAU@excite.com> | Date: 1/17/00 3:22 p.m. |
In Response To: Play Halo NOW! (Xian) But I will try anyway. HALO: In halo you will be a "elite" cyborg officer. You will have great physical and mental abilities. You will see yourself from a 3rd person perpective. This perspective will not neccesarily center on you. You will participate in battles and will be acompinied by lesser humans and cyborgs along with any vehicles and equipment that you have. Each lesser unit has specialties. You must learn how to best assign duties to those in your charge. Cyborgs can have their skills changed via upgrades and memory implants, but they have limited memory so only a certain number of skills can be loaded at once. Cyborgs who have had their brains "upgraded" can preform duties that don't require much imagination, they sacrifice these abilities for the uplinks in their brains. However regualr humans have far greater imagination and abstract thinking skills so they have scientific positions. Humans are invaluable indivdualy because they have very valuable and specialized skills. However cyborgs can be reprogrammed to take up a fallen comrades duties. At the begining of the game units will be scattered across halo. One cyborg will be much like the next so you only need to worry aobut procuring as many as you can. However their skill upgrades are very unique and rare. Finding these can give your cyborgs an incredible edge, however they are not neccesary to win. Humans will also be very valuable individualy. They will be linguists, scientists, and other important sci fi characters. Finding these few humans can greatly improve the eficiency of your army, your intelligence capabilites and the speed with which you can decipher alien tech. You will communicate with your comrades extensivly. During combat commands and hand signals will be prevelant. However verbose communication with your noncombatants and soldiers will be possible when not fighting. Their will be an option to have your units spill everything they know when you start a conversation for people who don't like "wasting" time. However their will be a small text parser that allows a player to have semi intelligent conversations with their troops if the wish to. Combat will not be run and strafe. Aiming will be precise and weapons will do heavy damage. Because of this their will be a focus on positioning and using terrain to your advantage, including trees rocks bushes etc. Vehicles will be esential to transport troops and to support infantry on the field. No one vehicle or weapon will be all powerful. Players will need to use different troops in conjunction with each other to win. Tanks and other heavy eqipment will have to be jealously guarded and well supported during an attack because of the poliferation of RPGs and other antitank weaponry. Likewise aircraft will be vulnerable to handheld sam launchers. Bases will consist of three main kinds: Covenant prefab bases that are shiped down form the covenant fleet. These will be heavy easily defensible garrisons. They will hold covenant supplies and covenant troops will use them as staging areas. These bases are not mobile. Covenant troops will stay within a prescribed distance of them at all times. Covenant troops will be heavily dependent on supplies from these bases. Jjaro/ringbuilder bases will be built to last. They will probably be underground or in hard to find places. They are not intended for war, however either side especialy humans may occupy them and use them for bases of operation. They are filled with ancient tech and contain some controls for the ring itself. It will be a priority for both sides to figure out the technology. Human settlement will mostly be "tent cities" and shacks constructed quickly. Huamns will be able to pick up and move on a moments notice. Their bases will be hidden as best as possible to hide htem from view. They mayt also take over some covenant bases or occupie ringbuilder bases when the opportunity presents itself. Human units are almost self sufficient. They can range far from their bases with out ill effects. They can also bring their homes with them and set up new bases wherever neccesary. However human bases are not easily defended. They realy on camoflouge and constant movement to avoid detection and erradiction. Travel over long distances will be handled by and "autopilot that will allow you to cross long distance rapidly by speeding up game time. However you may set the speed and may specify which interuptions are worthy of your attention, say enemies are spotted in your path. The game will prgress normaly as you travel so it is important to make sure their are no lose ends before you leave or make game time pass slow enough while you travel to allow you to give orders. You units will work automonmously in your absence. They will not be brilliant, and due to thier lack of imaginaiton they will lose out to the larger covenant force. However they will carry your orders out with gusto. You are not required to micromanage. You are required to make the overall plan and give people general task to complete. You provide the moral boost and the tricky ideas. They carry them out. You will often fight alongside your troops. This is the action part of the game. In fact you will spend 80 to 90 percent of your time fighting. However if you want to you can spend more time with your troops and or doing otherstuff that is included in the game. The trick is make the managment part of the game as discreet as possible. The AI needs to be strong enough to carry out your commands well, without requireing excesive detail. Deciphering the other sides technology will be of great importance. Specialized characters will acount for most of this reseasrch so it is imperative that you find as many of them as possible. Normal units can do this work but their progress will depend heavily on thier skills. Launguage is a big must. To take full advantage of alien equipment units must be able to understand the launguage of its makers. Quickly deciphering alien launguage can greatly increase the effectivness of alien equipment in your troops hands. Just as the missle launcher reads AIM FIRE RELOAD REPEAT covenant equipment will be self expanatory (maybe not that obvious but..) once the launguage is deciphered. So the game will include a management element that is discreetly taken care of by the AI, with only large disisions falling into your hands. A command element that is nearly as discreet in which the AI carries out orders without requireing micromanagement of every bullet. The story element which is carried forward by your troops communcations with you and other messages. And finaly the combat element which will take up most of your time, focusing on clever tactics and good use of the terrain. Desio |
Replies: |
Play Halo NOW! | Xian | 1/16/00 11:00 p.m. |
Re: Play Halo NOW! | Myndreach | 1/16/00 11:15 p.m. |
Re: Play Halo NOW! | Someguy | 1/16/00 11:24 p.m. |
Re: Play Halo NOW! | Nova | 1/17/00 3:15 p.m. |
personal data diary 10.10.213909.00 | Myndreach | 1/16/00 11:15 p.m. |
I envision a Halo full of Haiku Writing Cyborgs | Corum Jhaelen Irsei | 1/16/00 11:19 p.m. |
Re: I envision a Halo full of Haiku Writing Cyborg | Mik | 1/17/00 9:34 a.m. |
Wow, creative... | Xian | 1/17/00 12:58 a.m. |
My hopes Long | Desio | 1/17/00 3:22 p.m. |
Very nice! | Xian | 1/17/00 5:59 p.m. |
Not so small additions | Desio | 1/17/00 8:00 p.m. |
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