In Response To: Play Halo NOW! (Xian)
PERSONAL DATA DIARY: 10.10.213909.00
I've been hungry for days....well...not hungry in the way your stomach growls but in the way that your mouth waters thinking about pizza when you crave it suits auto feeders keep my full of the needed enzymes, vitamins, proteins and such needed for continued survival but they just don't "hit the spot"...i met the Covenant for the first time last week, and it wasn't squad was scouting out some newly discovered underground structures, apparently built by some intelligent life forms, when we heard them...their terrible mind speak..."you seek redemtion. redemtion is had. redemtion is death."...and then they opened fire from above, some area we did not notice where they were waiting like hawks. three of us fell, two were wounded before we fell back. they followed us to the surface and then we realized that corporal tenant was one of the dead now. lacking leadership and shocked out of our minds, we fell apart. the covenant mopped us up but i managed to get away somehow.....hopefully someone else did as well...