: hey Max right now you got the whole mar playing roleplaying croud (how small
: it may be:) waiting for your product maybe you should take a hint from all
: the big reloplaying games makers and take out the core rules for 3 basic
: races (s'pht human phor) basic equip (all MI weapons compiler armor phor
: staff hunter armor alien weapon alien ak) rules and background for these 3
: races and make it all in a easy to print format. once your done with that.
: everybody will get to sink ther teeth into somthing and you can calmly
: start on whatever else you wanted to have it it, periodicaly bringning
: them out as printable add-ons (nar pack, flickta moster compendium, weapon
: guide, vehicle guide, robots guide, "place whatever you want
: here" guide.)
: the big reason for all of this is that eventualy people will get bored of
: waiting for it so instead of comming out with 1 big book in (lets say 2
: years)
: you could have the basic soon (like 4 months).
: feel free to ignore, comment or use my ideas ther on the chopping block for
: that:)
: -Tru7h
I AGREE (i must be sleepy, my posts always get shorter and shorter)