: You only have to go to the next level, Defend THIS!, to find the next suicide
: area. It's the 'bridge' room, where if you want to access the secret
: raised passageways (and get a load of ammo) you have to grenade hop onto a
: ledge and they grenade hop into a raised entrance above a pit. Get either
: hop wrong and you're down a deep hole with no way out. Death by suicide or
: restart the game.
: Cheers
: Hamish
Doh! Thought I might have forgotten something. When "Defend THIS!" and "suicide trap" are said together, I automatically think of the first elevator room (which isn't really a suicide trap) and mentally pass over the level.
Even if you don't know about the secret ammo hallway, the Fighters' staff bolts could blast you up over the bridge's railing if you're not careful.