: As it seems that adam will be stuck on homework for a while, i've taken the
: liberty of writing a post for this level.
: We start out in a large room with sludge in the middle for some reasone. The
: first thing i see is a terminal with an old school S'pht. Weird, they fire
: M2 style bolts. Anyway, as i dodge the bolt, i see, woah, a hulk and a
: hunter. take care of them, read the term and find out that tycho is a good
: guy, and that Hathor is the bad one. Hit the switch opasit of the term and
: go through the doors that open up and duke it out with some troopers, also
: old school. a few of them were trying to get through the doors to the rest
: of the level after i opened them, but couldent. pretty funny to see. go
: down the hall and help out the bobs with the s'pht and then read the
: second term of the level. This one is from hathor, admitting that she sent
: you to the bug ship, but begging you to help her anyway, evidently she
: hasn't been reading up on how to bargin :P
: take the path back from that room (after hitting the switchs) and go through
: the now open door. take out the hunter and whatnot that may be in your
: way, and go to another little control room. do what you need to thare and
: keep going untill you get to the little room with the switchs. Hopefully
: you save some grenades so you can shoot the far ones. go through the path
: that you cleard and into the big room with the breakable panel. break it,
: get some O2, and go back to the beginning (the first control room, i
: suppose) and repeat those same steps, but going the other way. after all
: that, go through the little hallway in the side of the circut room and
: into the room with two terminals. if you did it like i did, you'll get the
: good job message from tyhco. since we want to fail this time around, i
: went back out to kill some monsters and time, and saw a juggie patrolling
: outside the windows, as well as the bug Dr. John mentioned with the
: enforcers, but this time with a hulk, and going counter clockwise. I went
: back to the term room, and found the fail one glowing. onward we go!!
: over all, i like this level, but even taking my time as i was, on normal, i
: still got the sucess (sorry, can't spell) message the first time around,
: so i feel the time is too long, but i'm sure steve will argue that, on the
: grounds that he's playing on TC :)
: adam, if you want to keep the helm, be my guest.
: otherwise, how did i do?
You did pretty well, although you did what I did in my first post, which was giving a walkthrough instead of really commenting much on the map until the end. Good job, and good call on the homework - I've still got another essay to write tonight and I'm just taking a break. Tomorrow I think I can resume with Un-Wired.