
Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?
Posted By: Steve LevinsonDate: 1/2/05 1:36 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal? (Forrest of B.org)

: Yeah, I was a bit afraid that the last chapter would be a bit too jarring,
: because the monster types AND terminal personalities (AIs, etc) change
: completely there; none of the monsters or characters in Ch5 are found
: elsewhere, or vice versa. It's like a whole different scenario within a
: scenario. I was also finding it really hard to get the neccesary story
: information about that chapter conveyed without gettting overly
: expositional on the part of the Watcher; the Watcher would presume you
: already know all of this, and thus have no reason to explain it all to
: you. Maybe if the terminal from Floating in the Void was a little more
: clear, perhaps?

That would help, but I would strongly argue in favor of taking Leela with you. I know that this doesn't fit with the intended plot, but the last communication you have from her is that she is going to help you make a better future. The transition just didn't work for me and I was left confused. Find a way to send Leela back with the player and she can explain it all to them.

: I realized when doing the final test run through before release that it's not
: even very clear where exactly you are in Ch5 - a planet? A ship? Some kind
: of spacestation? What? *I* know what it is, of course, but is it
: discernable from the terminal texts?

I had no idea where I was or when.

: If you have any ideas for how to make the transition into Ch5 any smoother,
: please let me know. I'm considering making some new monsters for Eternal X
: which might cross over between the chapters. Maybe just having the proper
: sprites for the Ch5 enemies would make it make a bit more sense. I wish I
: had some way of bringing other characters (AIs, etc) along from previous
: chapters, other than the dream sequence in Meta Omega. There will also be
: more exposition in the epilogue level after Ch5, which might help to
: explain some things.

Trust me, send Leela along for the ride.

: One more thing, for you Steve - about the regenerating monsters, are you
: referring mostly to the unending hordes in Ch5? The idea there is supposed
: to be that you can't stand and fight them - they just keep coming. You
: have to run. Weapons are only useful for clearing a path, which is why you
: get the Electro Jjaro Thunder Bowler to knock 'em down out of your way.
: It's a plot element - these are the things who defeated the Jjaro, and if
: their entire civilization couldn't win against them, neither can you. All
: you can hope for is that they lose too, when you do. Mutually assured
: destruction.

I don't get it - how is MAD supposed to provide a better future? I guess I just don't get Ch5. Regarding the regenerating monsters, there are two earlier levels where they are also a problem - the core destruction levels of Ch1. It is particularly bad when trying to destroy Tycho's core - I find that on TC there is just no way I can ride that platform up to jump across and destroy his circuits - the monsters knock me off the platform every time. The only way to beat the level on TC is to fire trooper grenades up at the circuits from the floor. I realize that in Ch5 you aren't supposed to defeat the enemies, but there is one point early on where you need to read a terminal to exit the level, all the while while being attacked. There is no way to read that terminal and survive. If the message is important, you need to put the terminal in a safe zone of some sort. And the final dream level also has regenerating monsters and it's in vacuum. No matter how hard I tried I always ended up running out of O2 before finding the exit. One final issue - the level with the Jjaro-implanted drinniol - for one thing, I never saw a hulk that looked anything out of the ordinary. More significantly, I couldn't get through that final stretch on TC without cheating.

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Volunteer Series for Eternal?sd 12/24/04 1:28 p.m.
     Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Elliott 12/26/04 8:55 a.m.
     Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Forrest of B.org 1/2/05 12:42 a.m.
           Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Steve Levinson 1/2/05 6:16 a.m.
                 Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Forrest of B.org 1/2/05 12:54 p.m.
                       Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Steve Levinson 1/2/05 1:36 p.m.
                             Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Dr. John Sumner 1/2/05 2:38 p.m.
                             Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?blake37 1/2/05 3:30 p.m.
                                   Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Forrest of B.org 1/2/05 4:38 p.m.
                                         Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Luke9 1/2/05 6:17 p.m.
                                               Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Forrest of B.org 1/2/05 7:36 p.m.
                             Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Forrest of B.org 1/2/05 4:55 p.m.
                             Re: Volunteer Series for Eternal?Andrew Nagy 1/3/05 10:41 a.m.
                                   OpenGL windowed mode? How do you do that? *NM*Steve Levinson 1/3/05 12:00 p.m.
                                         Re: OpenGL windowed mode? How do you do that?Johannes Gunnar 1/3/05 12:15 p.m.

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