: The final room is - you guessed it - a puzzle. There are two banks of
: switches and a switch in the center that must be flipped in the right
: sequence, or the ceiling will collapse on you. Actually, it is possible to
: survive even if it does if you move quickly to the room that opens up with
: the mystics in it. If you'd rather not get a headache, you can note that
: the sequence for the switches can be found in Mystic characters on a
: terminal elsewhere in the level. The corresponding characters can be found
: next to each switch in map view. Finish this puzzle and flip the last
: switch, then return to the central building and jump to the bottom and
: it's off to Schmackle.
I haven't gotten this far yet, but I'd like to say something here. I remember when I was watching my dad play Marathon:EVIL some years ago, he was stuck on this level, at the puzzle to be precise. But in one of the terminals we found the numbers "4,8". We already had figured out that the second chip insertion was the right one, and we went to that room, put the chip in the second insertion, and then went over to the switches. We flipped the first four, and then we went to the other side and flipped eight the other way. It worked. I didn't even know about the Mystic characters until you pointed them out.