Todd, once again, you are 100% right, it's by learning how to work with programs and applications that you will obtain better results, same goes for my own project, Portal of Sigma. When i started it back in march 2000, i was a begginer, a "noob". Photoshop was a bad ugly monster for me, same for Forge, Anvil, and all the others tools needed to build a project of that size, but i somehow learned all of them! Patience is a virtue.
So, for any project builders out there, don't let a little bugs, a small problem of any other
glitch stop you, a winner is someone who see a solution to every problems, not the opposite, doesn't it?
Oh, looking on my Sigma website, i've noticed that i haven't updated in a long time, better get work on this now!
ps to Todd: your chapter screen make me drool!