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I agree *long*
Posted By: EpyonDate: 12/10/04 9:11 a.m.

In Response To: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. *SP* (Sep7imus [subnova])

To me, Halo 2 is analagous to Metal Gear Solid 2. We were purposefully mislead. Bungie intentionally deceived gamers. Was that a malicious thing? I don't think so, but it's probably not the smartest thing.

In Metal Gear Solid 2, you were lead to believe you'd be playing the whole game as Solid Snake. Trailers were intentionally edited to include Snake when Snake wasn't even in that part of the game. Instead you play as the sissy Raiden.

Halo 2 did the same thing. They intentionally deceived us with the E3 Demo (I don't know any game company that puts that much effort into making a demo and doesn't use any of it in the final version, bu the dialogue). We were misled by the commercials, the trailers, everything. We thought we'd be playing as the badass we all know and love, Master Chief. Instead we play as an Elite and what's more the last level of the game we play as an Elite.

By maintaining secrecy, they prevented the audience (i.e. us) from giving them input. The thing that boggles my mind is that *everyone* was hyped for an invasion of Earth. I wanted to know if the Master Chief ever won his bet with Cortana and "stuck it."

The only reason I see for that massive about face in terms of story was that they couldn't figure out a way for the Master Chief to win. The MC always wins on the ground, but humans have only won one battle in Space. So how could we survive an onslaught by 500 ships? The writers couldn't come up with one so they gave us a rehash of Halo:CE with play as an elite.

Was any one else struck by how similar Halo 2 is to Halo:CE? Everyone says, Halo 2 is like the Empire Strikes Back. Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope is roughly analogous to Halo. Episode IV pits the small rebel alliance against a space station of unimagineable destructive power. The rebels triumph against all odds. While Halo certainly shares story elements with Episode IV, that is not why I compare the two. Rather I compare the two in terms of their sequels. The Empire Strikes Back, in most people's eyes, is the best movie of the original trilogy. Return of the Jedi is viewed as a sort of rehash of A New Hope. The rebels are once again up against a space station of unimagineable destructive power. The rebels once again triumph against all odds. While RotJ is a good movie, most believe it wasn't what it could have been. The first two movies established this incredibly rich universe with so many stories to be told and yet. And yet RotJ is a redux of A New Hope. Sadly, the same is true of Halo 2.

I once again start out defending a space station/capital ship against boarding parties.
I once again stage an assault on the control room/ prophet.
I once again do battle with the flood as I curse at how "unenjoyable" it is to do so.
I once again wander through the Library cursing it's repetitious environment.
I once again battle to save Sgt. Johnson/Keyes/Keyes' Daughter.

I still maintain that the story is weak. It's full of inconsistencies and confusing moments. (Why would the Covenant be amassing a fleet of 500 ships to invade Earth at the Unyielding Hierophant and then only send a 12 ships saying that they didn't think Earth would be populated?). I still play single player, but when my buddies come over to play, we play Halo:CE for co-op.

Message Index


The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. *SP*Sep7imus [subnova] 12/10/04 8:06 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. Vorpal Sword 12/10/04 8:36 a.m.
     Hmm...Ducain 12/10/04 8:54 a.m.
           Agreed *NM*Andrew Nagy 12/10/04 9:42 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. Warbow 12/10/04 9:00 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Captain Spark 12/10/04 9:08 a.m.
     I agree *long*Epyon 12/10/04 9:11 a.m.
           Re: I agree *long*Zaknafein 12/10/04 11:57 a.m.
                 Re: I agree *long*Sep7imus [subnova] 12/10/04 12:22 p.m.
           Re: I agree *long*Hikaru-119 12/10/04 12:16 p.m.
                 Re: I agree *long*Epyon 12/10/04 2:49 p.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Ma1agate 12/10/04 9:27 a.m.
     Secrecy=good, Hype=badScanner Darkly 12/10/04 9:32 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. Ross Mills [subnova] 12/10/04 9:37 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.madcowjim 12/10/04 9:50 a.m.
           Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Lakhesis 12/10/04 1:40 p.m.
                 Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Sep7imus [subnova] 12/10/04 1:54 p.m.
                       Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Lakhesis 12/10/04 3:35 p.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did.Clefton Twain 12/10/04 11:07 a.m.
     Re: The hype didn't hurt Halo 2. The secrecy did. Eric 12/10/04 3:51 p.m.

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