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Re: OK...
Posted By: Entrail <>Date: 1/12/01 5:48 p.m.

In Response To: OK... (black flag and a red star)

: I suppose I can see your point of view on the whole childish thing, but the
: thing is... I don't hate Matt's obtuse responses (there, I didn't use
: ambiguous, you happy?) any more than you do. I've been a fan of Bungie's
: since M1, and I couldn't be happier with the company they've become. Just
: because I say something insulting about Matt, does, in no way, mean that I
: am disparaging his company. I'm just using sarcasm. Do I need to put
: *sarcasm* next to all my sarcastic remarks? I hope not. Anyway sorry to
: get a little hostile there, but don't take me seriously on that kind of
: stuff-my questions and concerns are real, no matter how
: "childish" they may seem. I think you'll find I'm a lot less
: childish then a lot of the people posting here.

My apologies, i was totaly oblivious that you were being sarcastic. hehehe you were too "good" at being sarcastic that i didn't pick up on it, but hey cut me some slack it is only text. And no, don't put sarcastic things next to it. I'm completely sorry about flippin out on ya, and yes you do have some valid points, hehe. Now i see how the sarcasim sets in, i was interpreting it as a completely retarded remark instead of your humour truly involved, I commend you for realizing that it was the sarcism i was not catching and thank you, even though I now look like the true 12 year old. Anyways, continue your sarcasim, because as you can see from prior posts other people found the Matt is a Bitchmonkey comment to be quite halrious.

Hopes for no harm no foul,
Enjoy your weekend,
: "every time i click on a forum link from HBO's main page with something
: from Matt, i always see it in response to "Black flag..." who's
: off yackin about something he dosn't know about. "

: Truth is, Matt's responded to my last two major posts, which must mean I'm
: making SOME valid points. So excuse me if I reply to HIS response.
: Anyways, no hard feelings or anything, just please don't assume I'm some
: dumbass "12-year-old" just because I use sarcasm. It's somewhat
: insulting :)

Message Index


The return of Bungie TV?black flag and a red star 1/11/01 7:56 p.m.
     Alas...Matt 1/11/01 8:17 p.m.
           Aw, man! You suck!black flag and a red star 1/11/01 8:38 p.m.
                 Pardon me Mr. 12 Year old with the IQ of 2Entrail 1/11/01 11:14 p.m.
                       I think you need to LIGHTEN UP!Kamikaze 1/11/01 11:24 p.m.
                             We both need to lighten upEntrail 1/12/01 12:06 a.m.
                                   Re: We both need to lighten upSmasher 1/12/01 1:55 a.m.
                                         Re: We both need to lighten upHarry 1/12/01 4:07 a.m.
                          flag and a red star 1/12/01 5:56 a.m.
                                         rage is wicked good (nt)John Caf 1/12/01 6:22 a.m.
                                         Re: OK...Entrail 1/12/01 5:48 p.m.
                                               Hey man, no harm doneblack flag and a red star 1/12/01 8:05 p.m.
                                   Re: We both need to lighten updilbert 1/12/01 9:11 a.m.
                       This isn't a flame board, butKharn353 1/12/01 4:44 p.m.

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