In Response To: Aw, man! You suck! (black flag and a red star)
Not to be rude or anything, but if you had any apreciation for the band then you would stop flaunting arround giving them a bad name by carrying their symbol on your rampant posts of aggression about matt's "ambiguity". (which i've noticed seems to be your BIG word of the week or something)
If you have ever spent anytime researching any information about Bungie and it's prior products and how it plays with it's own fan base's minds then you'd know that what Matt is doing is half the fun of bungie software and nothing out of the normal. So if you don't like it, why don't you go play a game with out a loyal die-for-the-company comunity like bungie has, mb you can go play a game of Chess, knowing you, you'd probably put a lil red star on each black square of the chess board. I like rage against hte machine, I listen to their music all the time, and it disgusts me to see you giving them a bad name. Rage against the machine has political views, it wasn't for the angry lil 12 year old with penis envy to have a excuse to take out his agression. Get a life sunny, then we'll talk.