In Response To: I think you need to LIGHTEN UP! (Kamikaze)
we both need to lighten up (kamakazie and I)
Disclaimer: respect is for each human being, Mark may have earned respect enough to say things that other people sometimes can't, but that dosn't mean anyone who suddenly starts to open their mouth is starting with no respect. Black flag had a point where he could have earned respect, he didn't , he fell below. I've tried to refrain from posting stuff like this before by looking the other way, i found his behavoir to be repeated so i reacted. Now, I am starting to talk, hopefully you will give me the respect as anyother person has when they first start to speak (that is no bias at all) thank you.
Response to Kamakazie:
Sorry, i just find it anoying that someone, such as the person we are reffering to, is off just complaining about something that makes bungie so great. And pardon me, but I may not read the posts every day, however i do follow them as much as allows, and i did used to post their, and I am on hotline server quite frequently. I spend my time their talking with people like Mark (even including mark, his nick is Have blue if you must really know). I choose that server to talk about my opinions mainly because you can go much more indepth with a conversation and topic then on a forum because your reponses are almost instant. And, when i acted like a 12 year old on the first Oni forums, i got my lesson tought to me, and i thank Darkus for doing so. I guess i should lighten up, i'm sorry, every time i click on a forum link from HBO's main page with something from Matt, i always see it in response to "Black flag..." who's off yackin about something he dosn't know about.
I'm sorry, I get annoyed easily, please forgive all the virgin ears i may have offended.
p.s. if black flag admits that he was acting somewhat childish then i will be fully willing to congradulate him and can only wait till he does so i can shake his hand for admiting fault takes great effort. I was in fault in being so harsh in my first post, please forgive me.