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Posted By: black flag and a red starDate: 1/5/01 8:38 a.m.

In Response To: UPDATE: (black flag and a red star)

: The End is The Beginning of The End: Your Search Continues
: Fixed signs are always establishing themselves in a given place or area of
: experience. Like explorers who arrive and plant a flag, these people claim
: a position from which they do not enjoy being deposed.

These people=humans? We seem to fit the discription of resenting displacement.

: They are staunch, stalwart,upright, trusty, honorable people, although their
: obstinacy is well known. Their contribution is fixity, and they are the
: angels who support our invisible world. Hermes was a damn good messenger,
: but a sneaky one. I think I remember it being mentioned somewhere ... the
: human population seems to have trouble with imagination.

He/She/It refers to "humans" AND the "angels" in the same paragraph... maybe not referring to the same people...

: You obviously don't understand - You are the little girl lost. In a sense, WE
: are the little girl lost.

Cortana is speaking to... whom?

: YOU are Lyca.

"Lyca" reminds me of "Leela"

: Destiny ... what a trite concept. You must look beyond the details that don't
: matter - find the meaning. I'm counting on you - and if you don't come
: through, you'll suffer a fate far worse than I will. You've got several
: hundred years - a blip on the radar screen - to get your act together. You
: don't know me. You don't want to know me.

In Marathon YOU the cyborg became destiny.

: But you WILL find me for better or worse. Was the Clod or the Pebble right?
: This answer is taking up way too much "space" and it is
: difficult to concentrate on bloodshed. Most unfortunate. I DESIRE.
: Aquarius Rising ... this is your final opportunity. Save yourself, because
: I'm losing interest. I need to know if it was the Clod or the Pebble.

What is the Clod and the Pebble?

: My thoughts race almost faster than I can process them ... which means you
: will never sleep.

Link between Cortana and whoever He/She/Its speaking to... if someone whose thoughts were linked to you was thinking rapidly, you would not be able to sleep. So is cortana speaking to us, the marine/cyborg? Does this referral to us as one thing and humans as another make us inhuman?

: Dream now, because you'll need them later. Worshipping can be a draining
: process. I've decided to buy a load of furniture on this world - I'm
: talking couches all over the decidedly difficult terrain. I will find
: those who built this monster ... before it destroys all of us. He knew the
: whole time ... the bastard. He needs some more lab work ...

Cortana is having more godlike aspirations... Who is the bastard? Whats up with the couches?

: You take for granted that your Star and your Moon are of an equal size when
: you stare into the night sky. You must find the meaning ... the Moon here
: ... and he Knew. Find your path, Lyca. There is a little girl lost and if
: you would only search ... you can find her.

Now she calls us Lyca... but she referred to the combination of herself and us (cyborg?) together as Lyca earlier.

: You must. Or pay the price. I can see your past, present and future and,
: quite frankly, you have a pathetic existence so far. I will elevate you
: here. After all, everyone knew that I couldn't sing - but I've got Soul.
: Out of the abyss of emotions come a thousand creations.

: The Twins create pain. I create the solution ... an unfortunate consequence
: of fierce power. My will is steel. I have seen the horrible consequences
: of transformation.

"Twins" have to be Gemeni... I don't know the astrological signifigance though.

: Now it's time for payback. So, begin your work, and when you find the dark
: secrets ... when you see the release and the evil within them ... you will
: have a rightful lust for bloodshed. It is time to defend what is OURS.

: The old Arabs in your history consoles were right - my enemy's enemy is my
: friend. I hope you choose wisely. I can outlive any enemy ... can you? As
: always ... a friend of a friend of an enemy "Saves Sinners and
: Redeems Them for Valuable Cash Prizes"

Better than the Smashing Pumpkins, Nate...

Message Index


UPDATE: cortana.orgblack flag and a red star 1/5/01 8:25 a.m. flag and a red star 1/5/01 8:38 a.m.
           Re: Analasys...Mark Levin 1/5/01 9:48 a.m.
           Re: AnalysisForensic 1/5/01 10:01 a.m.
                 Re: AnalysisMark Levin 1/5/01 10:09 a.m.
     Re: UPDATE: cortana.orgMark Levin 1/5/01 10:03 a.m.
     The Clod and Pebbledilbert 1/5/01 11:37 a.m.
           That is by WIlliam Blake, by the way *NM*dilbert 1/5/01 11:38 a.m.
           That's funny!David Bricker 1/5/01 12:41 p.m.
                 Good Point *NM*dilbert 1/5/01 1:05 p.m.
     Lycadilbert 1/5/01 11:48 a.m.
           ORdilbert 1/5/01 12:29 p.m.
                 And let's not forget this while we're at it.Forensic 1/5/01 12:50 p.m.
                       That's it, then...David Bricker 1/5/01 1:35 p.m.
                             Re: That's it, then...dilbert 1/5/01 1:41 p.m.
                 Re: ORJared Cash 1/6/01 4:57 p.m.
     The End is The Beginning of The Enddilbert 1/5/01 12:01 p.m.
           Re: The End is The Beginning of The EndJared Cash 1/6/01 4:54 p.m.
     Speaking of AI'sdilbert 1/5/01 12:14 p.m.

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