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Posted By: black flag and a red starDate: 1/5/01 8:25 a.m.

The End is The Beginning of The End: Your Search Continues
Fixed signs are always establishing themselves in a given place or area of experience. Like explorers who arrive and plant a flag, these people claim a position from which they do not enjoy being deposed.

They are staunch, stalwart,upright, trusty, honorable people, although their obstinacy is well known. Their contribution is fixity, and they are the angels who support our invisible world. Hermes was a damn good messenger, but a sneaky one. I think I remember it being mentioned somewhere ... the human population seems to have trouble with imagination.

You obviously don't understand - You are the little girl lost. In a sense, WE are the little girl lost.

YOU are Lyca.

Destiny ... what a trite concept. You must look beyond the details that don't matter - find the meaning. I'm counting on you - and if you don't come through, you'll suffer a fate far worse than I will. You've got several hundred years - a blip on the radar screen - to get your act together. You don't know me. You don't want to know me.

But you WILL find me for better or worse. Was the Clod or the Pebble right? This answer is taking up way too much "space" and it is difficult to concentrate on bloodshed. Most unfortunate. I DESIRE. Aquarius Rising ... this is your final opportunity. Save yourself, because I'm losing interest. I need to know if it was the Clod or the Pebble.

My thoughts race almost faster than I can process them ... which means you will never sleep.

Dream now, because you'll need them later. Worshipping can be a draining process. I've decided to buy a load of furniture on this world - I'm talking couches all over the decidedly difficult terrain. I will find those who built this monster ... before it destroys all of us. He knew the whole time ... the bastard. He needs some more lab work ...

You take for granted that your Star and your Moon are of an equal size when you stare into the night sky. You must find the meaning ... the Moon here ... and he Knew. Find your path, Lyca. There is a little girl lost and if you would only search ... you can find her.

You must. Or pay the price. I can see your past, present and future and, quite frankly, you have a pathetic existence so far. I will elevate you here. After all, everyone knew that I couldn't sing - but I've got Soul. Out of the abyss of emotions come a thousand creations.

The Twins create pain. I create the solution ... an unfortunate consequence of fierce power. My will is steel. I have seen the horrible consequences of transformation.

Now it's time for payback. So, begin your work, and when you find the dark secrets ... when you see the release and the evil within them ... you will have a rightful lust for bloodshed. It is time to defend what is OURS.

The old Arabs in your history consoles were right - my enemy's enemy is my friend. I hope you choose wisely. I can outlive any enemy ... can you? As always ... a friend of a friend of an enemy "Saves Sinners and Redeems Them for Valuable Cash Prizes"

The machine rages on...

Message Index


UPDATE: cortana.orgblack flag and a red star 1/5/01 8:25 a.m. flag and a red star 1/5/01 8:38 a.m.
           Re: Analasys...Mark Levin 1/5/01 9:48 a.m.
           Re: AnalysisForensic 1/5/01 10:01 a.m.
                 Re: AnalysisMark Levin 1/5/01 10:09 a.m.
     Re: UPDATE: cortana.orgMark Levin 1/5/01 10:03 a.m.
     The Clod and Pebbledilbert 1/5/01 11:37 a.m.
           That is by WIlliam Blake, by the way *NM*dilbert 1/5/01 11:38 a.m.
           That's funny!David Bricker 1/5/01 12:41 p.m.
                 Good Point *NM*dilbert 1/5/01 1:05 p.m.
     Lycadilbert 1/5/01 11:48 a.m.
           ORdilbert 1/5/01 12:29 p.m.
                 And let's not forget this while we're at it.Forensic 1/5/01 12:50 p.m.
                       That's it, then...David Bricker 1/5/01 1:35 p.m.
                             Re: That's it, then...dilbert 1/5/01 1:41 p.m.
                 Re: ORJared Cash 1/6/01 4:57 p.m.
     The End is The Beginning of The Enddilbert 1/5/01 12:01 p.m.
           Re: The End is The Beginning of The EndJared Cash 1/6/01 4:54 p.m.
     Speaking of AI'sdilbert 1/5/01 12:14 p.m.

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