: One would have thought that the easy (more obvious) route would have taken you to the failed timelines and only the more difficult one would let you bypass them, leading to ultimate success.
The terminal numbers seem to support that as well. The ".1" terminals take you to the failed timelines, while the ".2" terminals skip you ahead. You'd normally expect to find ".1" before ".2" in a numbered system. Did they swap the terminals and exits around, once they realized the difficulty of some of those failed-timeline levels?
On the other hand, by making ".2" easy to find, it sends a strong clue that there's a missing terminal to search for, and a missing level is your reward. It works well from a gameplay perspective, but not so much from a storytelling perspective.
I often wonder: if Double Aught had been given another three months to polish it, would Infinity hold together better? Or did time constraints keep it from expanding until it collapsed under its own weight?