: It's much, much easier for everyone involved if you don't use separate images
: and masks. PNG, BMP, and DDS support alpha channels: use them!
I wasn't aware that PNGs supported alpha maps, but I did realize that .DDS did. Again, I run into the problem of converting every damn frame to have it's own embeded Alpha Map.
It's fine for final game graphics, but I'm recreating a version of the shape file's animation contents (weapons, monsters, scenery) as a kind of placehold / redundancy.
This way, frame-for-frame can be replaced and MML scripted without needing to consult the actual shape file (which exists on a different computer, under a different OS). The WMaiD team hopes to replace every element with a higher resolution one by the project's completion.
How do I create an embeded alpha mask for a single frame of (Blue-transparency) Marathon animation? I've played with alpha masks before, but never for use with Aleph One. What are the do's and don'ts?
Thanks again,