
Re: Fin
Posted By: Forrest of B.orgDate: 10/21/04 9:32 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Fin (Mista_B)

: *warning: just drank a bottle of wine. typos and such may be attributed to
: such*

: Well, shit.

: I'm afraid my expertise doesn't go beyond Anvil mastery, so, all I can offer
: is help with quirky physics/graphics importation stuff. 'fraid I don't
: have any map/graphics creation skills.

: Any chance you'd have a use for me?

I could certainly use you for Mk IV, at least, as well as some of the extra features for the earlier versions.

For Mk IV, I need to get the Hulks imported STACKED on the F'lick'ta collection, and their physics in the Sewage and Water F'lick'ta slots. That is, I need bitmaps and sequences for BOTH the F'lick'ta and the Hulks, because the Sewage and Water F'lick'ta monsters will be two types of Hulks (regular Hulks, and TEH SUPAR HULKXOR), while the Lava F'lick'ta will remain Lava F'lick'ta for the Ch3 levels.

I also need to get the unnamed weapon fully implemented. It's pretty cool as you have it now (still using your partially-done implementation from Mk I), but it feels kinda... hackish, somehow. I'll play with it more and give you better feedback later.

As for other stuff: The M1 Hunters float, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.

I think there's a frame somewhere that the M2 Enforcers suddenly are holding the M1 Enforcer weapon, and again I can't figure out why.

The S'pht Orb (new weapon in Mk III) looks like shit still, and I can't seem to get MML weapon replacement to work for anything but the first frame. I don't know how to fix this, maybe you can figure it out.

Then there's some extra goodies, namely getting Lookers and Wasps stacked into the Tick collection and physics, ala the Hulks into the F'lick'ta. I originally planned to include MADDs as well, but I don't think they fit in with the story anywhere: most of Ch1 is during the period where the MADDs were inactive, and Ch2 no longer has any major human forces present aside from Blake and his men, so if there were MADDs they'd only appear in maybe three levels, at most. I also wanted some sort of unarmed humans for Ch1, but the M1 Bobs don't really match the style of all the other baddies. There really don't need to be any pistol Bobs anymore, since all the Bobs in Ch2 are VacBobs, so if you could somehow Photoshop out the PistolBobs' guns and make their arms swing like they should, that might work. Or, we could just use M1 Bobs anyway... not like it really matters.

But yeah, one way or another I could definitely use your help, at least for Mk4 and some extra goodies.

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FinForrest of B.org 10/21/04 7:11 p.m.
     Re: FinMista_B 10/21/04 8:15 p.m.
           Re: FinForrest of B.org 10/21/04 9:32 p.m.
                 Reply in the 'org. *NM*Mista_B 10/21/04 10:38 p.m.
     Re: FinD-M.A. 10/21/04 8:17 p.m.
           *seconds* *NM*Mista_B 10/21/04 8:44 p.m.
                 *thirds* oh...wait, D-M.A. is me... *NM*D-M.A. 10/21/04 8:59 p.m.
           Re: FinForrest of B.org 10/21/04 9:55 p.m.
                 Re: FinD-M.A. 10/21/04 11:37 p.m.
                       Somebody help him! *NM*ukimalefu 10/22/04 2:49 a.m.
     Re: FinDr. John Sumner 10/22/04 3:31 a.m.
           Re: FinForrest of B.org 10/22/04 9:00 p.m.
     Re: FinOri 10/22/04 3:07 p.m.
           Re: FinForrest of B.org 10/22/04 9:04 p.m.
                 Re: FinOri 10/23/04 8:41 p.m.
                       Re: FinForrest of B.org 10/24/04 1:30 a.m.

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