| In Response To: blackstar OMG (goran)
Goran wasn't kidding when he started this post - this mini-scenario is amazing. There are some bugs - I guess that's why it's still a demo, but the gameplay phenominal and the eye candy is beautiful, especially with the new high-res infinity textures. I'm on "A Rat is A Rat" and I must warn the casual player - you need to be unbelievably fast for this one, and I mean unbelievably fast. If you thought surviving the chicken terminal room in M1 required speed, that's nothing compared to what is necessary to get through this level. There is a major secret here, however, that makes it much easier to get through, and it's even mentioned in the first terminal - a key card would grant access to everything, avoiding some of the worst puzzles and opening up some major weapons lockers. You can even see the key card, but you can't seem to reach it. I haven't even been able to figure it out in Forge. There is a kludge of a way - not really cheating - but it involves overpowering the game engine. There are two secret rocket launchers on this level that are fairly easy to access, and one invincibility power-up. You can literally blast your way to the key card, but somehow that's not too satisfying - not that it stopped me after I'd completed the level and looked for every other alternative - I wanted all that extra ammo. I'm curious, has anyone figured out how to raise that section of wall to allow access to the key card?