: Well, if the Mac you buy isn't two or three years old or older, then... YOU
: WON'T BE ABLE TO BOOT INTO OS9 . Apple did it to try and kill OS9. On my
: eMac, I can only use OSX. But, my other two computers are old enough to
: boot into OS9. There are NO hitches when booting into OS9.
From what my stores tech guy said/showed me (although he just has a passing familiarity w/ Macs) is the 700(800?)mhz iMac flat pannel has the option of booting from any system folder you have on your Haddrive via the startup disk system preference. This was in OS 10.3. Is this first gen. Flat pannel iMac part of the "old guard" type of Macs that can still do this?
Since that iMac was running 10.3, I take the "cannot boot OS 9, only emulate" stance Apple now has is a Hardware thing, not software based, yes?
If anyone has recommendations for an G4 mac over 700mhz that can still do the dual boot - please post them! I'm poking around in the used G4 market, and I'd like to have a good idea of what to keep my eye out for. I want to keep maraton able to run on my new machine without resorting to AO. My sheer force of will won't be enough I think if the Apple hardware it's self is against me. :)
Thanks again!