: Yes that is a very good idea. Part of the problem I encountered is that even
: when you drop down and hide in the corner near the 2x recharger, there
: just was not enough room to avoid taking a fatal amount of damage from the
: many enemies. I could not fire any weapon fast enough to keep up with
: their return fire. That's what led to the technique I ended up using.
Hey, I didn't say it was easy, and it took many, many attempts, but using the brute force of the AR and a lot of "footwork" to keed the troopers lined up single file, I did it. I might mention that that is a technique I use a lot when shooting troopers as opposed to fisting them or circling them. If you are in a confined space and there are natural obsticles to keep the troopers from surrounding you, you can manouver yourself so that the troopers are lined up, one behind the other. Not only does your AR prefent the lead trooper from shooting back, but the lead trooper is also getting pummeled from behind. This makes it possible to make quick work of them. I'm not saying I didn't take a lot of damage here, but I survived.