: I wanted to mention that thge Monster AI seems SO improved in Phoenix
: Falling. No matter where or how far they are, if they see you they will
: come after you!
Unfortunately (or fortunately), that doesn't hold throughout the scenario. There are plenty of levels mid-way through where the monsters won't budge, even if they are plainly looking at you, or where they'll turn around and walk away if you just move back behind a door. What you're describing has nothing to do with AI, which is hard-coded into the engine - it has to do with zones and zone boundaries. If you cross a zone boundary and if the monsters are programmed not to cross zone boundaries, they won't pursue you, even if they can see you. In Phoenix, in most cases this is a good thing in that the levels could be unplayable otherwise. Personally, I would rather not have zone boundaries and instead tone things down a bit - it would be a lot more realistic.