: This scenario does have its share of obscure switches, and I've gotten stuck
: a couple of times myself only to find an obscure hidden switch that is no
: where near where it ought to be. Otherwise this is a great scenario - a
: must play.
: OK, that level's a while back for me - let's see. The last place you need to
: visit is in the far northeast corner of the map. It is opened by a switch
: in the far southwest section. Have you visited both places - they are both
: quite extensive. The one in the northeast area is entered through a room
: with many columns and once you pass through the entrance, a wall will come
: down behind you, preventing your return to the rest of the level. There is
: a shield recharge and a heavily guarded pattern buffer in the area, if you
: have been here. Getting to the final portion here transports you to a
: small room with a chip insertion point and an exit teleporter. Have you
: been here? If not, I'll try to walk you through it.
I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.