: (2) that we change the Physics so that the Fusion Mace does not have the
: recharging power that is currently has.....now, I know some of you are
: saying "WHAT????....ARE YOU NUTS?". But with the proper
: adjustments elsewhere, the ease/difficulty of the scenario would not be
: compromised. As it stands right now, having that powerful of a weapon
: makes the second half of the scenario utterly trivial. I have to believe
: that's NOT what Ian had in mind. Besides, within reason Steve proved that
: capability is not needed anyway.
Although, I do see your point- I just don't think it ruins the scenario. There are 2 options I would suggest if we do end up agreeing the current situation needs to be changed:
- Make the recharging significantly less powerful or take much more time. This wouldn't change the dynamics of the last few levels at all, but it would make abuse much less convenient.
- Add health panels and/or canisters to To The Liver and all following levels. This would probably make the levels play very differently, which is the main reason I object to it. I don't think we should be trying to make the game harder for non-abusers than it already is (I consider "fair" use of the mace charging up to 3x-5x health- I'm sure it *was* Ian's intention that the Reaver is much more powerful than the standard player).