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RvB Lincoln Center: Impressions
Posted By: Dark Impaler <>Date: 1/4/04 9:32 p.m.

Even though I myself live in New York, I felt like a tourist. Asking people which way to go, which flight of stairs to climb and which not to, when I finally found the theater. I could see the cast and crew autographing DVDs and shaking hands with a line that seemed to be all smiles.

Before the show started, Burnie introduced himself in classic PSA style with the "but-we're-not-here-to-talk-to-you-as-famous-actors" line to start things off. This, of course, was greeted with a roar of laughter. After talking a bit about the origins of RvB and Drunk Gamers, the lights were killed and the show started.

The show was nothing short of fantastic. Big screen beauty with some editing made it much better than viewing at it on my computer screen. The presentation was accompanied by bouts of laughter, and there were some little bits added here and there strung throughout the show. Sometimes a tune here or a few seconds of additional footage were added to improve the flow of the picture in general.

After Season One concluded, the first two episodes of Season Two premiered. The sound quality was noticeably higher than that of Season One, and it also introduces the development of some plot points, like the deep "O'Mally" voice that Caboose dons, and the reason behind the presence of the purple guy.

The presentation was concluded with a round of applause and the cast came up to the front of the stage for a Q&A session, which was serious in part, but also laced with jokes. Toward the end of the night, someone apparently the BR from the PoA that Mig brought with him, and Mig explained where it came from, who it was made by, what it was made out of, and how he got it into the theater (by means of a plastic bag, as it turned out. :D You gotta love NY security).

It was one of the best nights I've ever spent in the city, and even though I ended up sleeping at 1:30, I have to admit I had fun.


Message Index


RvB Lincoln Center: ImpressionsDark Impaler 1/4/04 9:32 p.m.
     Re: RvB Lincoln Center: ImpressionsShishka 1/4/04 10:20 p.m.
     Thanks *NM*crucifix 1/5/04 4:39 a.m.
     RvB Lincoln Center: be continuedguy who doesn't post....too often 1/5/04 8:44 a.m.

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