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Re: RvB Lincoln Center: Impressions
Posted By: ShishkaDate: 1/4/04 10:20 p.m.

In Response To: RvB Lincoln Center: Impressions (Dark Impaler)

Great read, thanks for the writeup!

I wish I could've gone.=)


: Even though I myself live in New York, I felt like a tourist. Asking people
: which way to go, which flight of stairs to climb and which not to, when I
: finally found the theater. I could see the cast and crew autographing DVDs
: and shaking hands with a line that seemed to be all smiles.

: Before the show started, Burnie introduced himself in classic PSA style with
: the "but-we're-not-here-to-talk-to-you-as-famous-actors" line to
: start things off. This, of course, was greeted with a roar of laughter.
: After talking a bit about the origins of RvB and Drunk Gamers, the lights
: were killed and the show started.

: The show was nothing short of fantastic. Big screen beauty with some editing
: made it much better than viewing at it on my computer screen. The
: presentation was accompanied by bouts of laughter, and there were some
: little bits added here and there strung throughout the show. Sometimes a
: tune here or a few seconds of additional footage were added to improve the
: flow of the picture in general.

: After Season One concluded, the first two episodes of Season Two premiered.
: The sound quality was noticeably higher than that of Season One, and it
: also introduces the development of some plot points, like the deep
: "O'Mally" voice that Caboose dons, and the reason behind the
: presence of the purple guy.

: The presentation was concluded with a round of applause and the cast came up
: to the front of the stage for a Q&A session, which was serious in part,
: but also laced with jokes. Toward the end of the night, someone apparently
: the BR from the PoA that Mig brought with him, and Mig explained where it
: came from, who it was made by, what it was made out of, and how he got it
: into the theater (by means of a plastic bag, as it turned out. :D You
: gotta love NY security).

: It was one of the best nights I've ever spent in the city, and even though I
: ended up sleeping at 1:30, I have to admit I had fun.

: -DI

Message Index


RvB Lincoln Center: ImpressionsDark Impaler 1/4/04 9:32 p.m.
     Re: RvB Lincoln Center: ImpressionsShishka 1/4/04 10:20 p.m.
     Thanks *NM*crucifix 1/5/04 4:39 a.m.
     RvB Lincoln Center: be continuedguy who doesn't post....too often 1/5/04 8:44 a.m.

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