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Re: letters = pointers?

Posted By: JiveTurkey
Date: 17 June 2001, 17:51

In Response To: Re: letters = pointers? (Shade)

Hmmm... I already tried this one:

> Since there are 8 numbers around the face of each glyph, the theory that
> they represent a byte seems to have some merit. Perhaps the state of each
> bit, then, is determined by whether or not that bit's number is prime.
> Reading the glyphs as one would a clock, and assigning prime numbers a value
> of one, and non-primes a value of zero, we find the following:
> Glyph 1: 11000001 ¡
> Glyph 2: 10010110 ñ
> Glyph 3: 00001010 $0D
> Glyph 4: 01001101 ç
> Glyph 5: 00001001 $09
> Glyph 6: 00000000 $00
> Glyph 7: 01111100 |
> This is probably a dead end, but maybe shifting some bits around or
> reversing the order could yield interesting findings if anyone has time to
> pursue it...

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