: It would be awesome to have you onboard! Don't worry about the terminals,
: PerseusSpartacus gets those for us (most of them, anyway), as well as the
: maps and headers.
Well technically I take the screenshots - running in windowed mode, simple print screen on Windows and crop in Paint lol - and then email them to PS; he does the maps and any extra pics, and sends everything to Hamish to upload. It all works but sometimes we fall behind a bit.
I kind of assumed we'd hit Rubicon after this, and then Eternal. I've never played Eternal and only maybe 1/4 of Rubicon, so they would be quite different stories, if you will. And at the rate we go, that would see us through say the end of 2017 :). Might have to pick up the pace a bit! But yeah definitely happy to have more people involved, and nothing is set in stone.