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Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*
Posted By: Stephen L. (SoundEffect) <>Date: 1/3/11 2:52 p.m.

In Response To: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs* (BlueNinja)

: As you all know, I love using the pan-cam. I love seeing everything Bungie
: places in their levels, and learning. I'll probably never become a
: designer myself, but as an aspiring writer, it can't hurt to know some of
: this stuff. I mostly just do it for fun: exploring is awesome, after all.

: And, as some of you may know, the pan-cam was kind of neutered in Reach. Its
: speed was severely limited, and it could no longer breach the secondary
: set of barriers Bungie put up around the map.

: Until today.

: I was flying around on the level 'Exodus', when I happened upon this little
: piece of architecture:

: As you may recognize, this is a piece of cutscene geometry. In the opening
: cutscene for the game, you see Noble Six walking up this hill, and looking
: out over New Alexandria.


: This tiny piece of detail among a vast sea of low-res made me remember the
: way cutscene-specific areas are always hidden somewhere in the level. But,
: sadly, I also remembered the pan-cam doesn't allow you to go out that far.

: Exodus, however, offered me a loophole. While I was trying my best to break
: through the outer barriers, I noticed the bottom barrier was missing. I
: flew underneath the map, and then proceeded to the outer walls. Before I
: knew it, I was looking out over the whole of Exodus. Or at least, the part
: of Exodus the game still rendered that far out.



: I stumbled across an interesting 'dome' underneath the playable area. At
: first, I thought the level's opening cutscene took place inside, but I
: found nothing.

: However, the pan-cam coordinates, as we all know, are more than just screen
: clutter. I restarted the level and wrote down the coordinates for the
: opening cutscene. I then pulled up a helpful guide , and before I knew
: it, I was manipulating the numbers and flying underneath the map again.
: The moment I neared the coordinates I'd written down, I noticed a sliver
: of black in the corner of my screen. I turned, flew towards it, and
: huzzah!


: As I pondered this moon-like landscape, I wondered: "but where's that
: awesome backdrop?"
: The moment I looked up, my question was answered. Huzzah indeed.



: And even though I haven't made a panorama in months, I just couldn't resist.
: I'm not going to put this one up on Views from the Edge, so it's an HBO
: (and GAF) exclusive for the time being.


: As is the case with all great explorers, however, my journey is far from
: done. I will now travel to the far reaches of Lone Wolf, Long Night of
: Solace, New Alexandria and the Pillar of Autumn, and hopefully find
: something worth sharing with you guys.

: Enjoy the pretty pictures!

Awesome images and congrats on getting that far out. I was wondering where Six's trek over the hill took place. Couldn't find that one. So the supercarrier on the mountain is just a 2D image I take it?

My HBO Articles

Message Index


Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*BlueNinja 1/3/11 1:24 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316) 1/3/11 1:38 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Bry 1/3/11 1:57 p.m.
           Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*BlueNinja 1/3/11 2:02 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Decommissioner 1/3/11 2:12 p.m.
     Here is a neat trick...Hyokin 1/3/11 2:29 p.m.
           Re: Here is a neat trick...BlueNinja 1/3/11 2:43 p.m.
                 Re: Here is a neat trick...Hyokin 1/3/11 2:49 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Aglor 1/3/11 2:32 p.m.
     Could anybody test this?BlueNinja 1/3/11 2:47 p.m.
           When do you enter the wompa stompa code? *NM* *NM*Hikaru-119 1/3/11 4:48 p.m.
                 Wow, that brings back memories. *NM*The Loot 1/3/11 4:58 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 1/3/11 2:52 p.m.
           Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*BlueNinja 1/3/11 3:23 p.m.
                 Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Stephen L. (SoundEffect) 1/3/11 7:01 p.m.
     Re: Breaching Bungie's Barriers *IMGs*Ducain 1/4/11 9:12 a.m.

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