In Response To: Lead me + rampant spec (Thanatos)
: btw...since it just popped into my head: despite what frankie said im
: thinking the first scene is not on earth because of the gas giant looking
: thing in the sky...oh shit i just remembered something - isnt theyre some
: kind of anomaly not too far from reach that cortana jumps to with the
: truth and reconceliation when she is listening to the covie transmissions
: from before they arrived! if im remembering correctly its huge and i wanna
: say its blue...definitly should be visible from reach on a clear
: night...sorry for the rampant speculation but i say as i think of it
That was the Ort Cloud (Ort? is that right?). I think every solar system has one, but they're really, really far out, past the edge of the system. I don't think that is what's in the sky in the movie.