i've been pushing chairs into the one open elite room. occasionally i go out side, to see what changes have occured. everything gone, barrels,pillars, marine ammo thingies. only a gunchair left, so i went down to see if it worked.
pp's registered, but couldn't be seen, so i discharged till all gone. got in the chair to see if it still worked-cortana started her speech about the covies turning around-roll tape, i haven't heard her voice inna week.
presto, new endscene. very odd, since i never killed the prophet. hard to explain, but it looks like a normal one sorta, w/out mc, or destruction of building.
i need someone to let me mail em the tape, and make a short vid, as i don't think this has been scene (seen...get it...nevermind) before.
i will even toss in a burn of all my vids, not much incentive i know, for your trouble, and pay shipping :)
you can e-mail me at:
p.s. it's in the thread on HIH as well...