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Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)
Posted By: Johnny RottenDate: 3/21/01 2:02 p.m.

In Response To: Comments on Halo movie (LONG) (Mark Levin)

Gah! I'll post my response here as well...

: The sky looks very nice, I don't see what people
: are complaining about. The clouds look nice and
: there's no tiling visible. The Halo arches overhead,
: and the planet...

My only real complaint about the sky is that it doesnt look as nice as the E3/Macworld sky, and that it looks static. Whether or not infact it IS static is tough to tell from the video, but it'd be pretty cheezey if it was just a painted skybox.

: 1:54: Contrails! It looks like they went for the
: realistic option; the contrail is not visible until
: the plane pulls a hard turn.

Hmm, I think I'd prefer to have some contrail effects even in straight flight (much like a jet fighter). Granted the presence of contrails probably wouldnt match the apparent speed, but it would sure look cool...

: like Halo's engine is not just Myth-style heightmaps
: any more. The sun's corona is properly obscured
: by the Marine and the jeep, something I haven't
: seen in any other game.

Isnt that an amazing fact? Odd that something so (apprently) simple could be overlooked for so long. Nice little touch.

: 3:15 - 4:21: "YEEEEEE-HAWWWWWWWW!" The jeep is
: back in action, and just as cool as before. A new
: addition is the headlight, which shines on the
: ground ahead of it. Night missions, anyone? The
: physics of the gunner are a good touch, this will
: make being a gunner a position requiring no small
: amount of skill. I wonder if it's possible to actually
: throw him out on a bad jump (although if the Yeehaw
: Jump(tm) didn't dislodge him, it must be pretty
: hard :) ).

Night missions would be excellent. hopefully those headlights will be more than a visual thing. The physics of the gunner are excellent as you point out. I certainly hope its still possible for multiple players to jump in the same vehicle and take different roles. We actually havent heard anything about that possibility for a long, long time. Wonder if that is axed or not? Would be a BIG shame if it was.

: 4:20 - 4:58: Our first taste of real Halo combat.
: The best showcase of the AI was when the Marine
: pulled the jeep up to the doorway and the gunner
: opened up into the building. One wonders if the
: computer would do that if the driver was also an
: AI.

Hard to judge if that was an example of great AI. Looked like 'Shoot any enemy in my line of sight' to me.

: 6:28 - 7:22: The famous universal melee attack,
: and some sneaking around. This brings up the question
: again: How stealthy is Halo?

I'm hoping that stealth is emphasized at different portions of the game and thats not merely a 'play style'. Ie have so many aliens/sentry guns that an all out assault is virtually impossible. If bungie is going for the whole 'guerrila warfare' thing then they HAVE to encourage hit and run/stealth tactics at least for some missions.

: 7:22 - 8:16: Cat and mouse. First, the Marine dives
: into the melee and all hell breaks loose. Highlights
: of this segment include a jump showing off the
: unusually low gravity (sound familiar?) and a Covenant
: Elite showing off his AI by flanking the player.
: The player's control here is about on the level
: of an inexperienced mouser on a PC (no offense
: Joe, just trying to be objective ;) ), especially
: when the ramps are involved.

: 8:16 - 8:31: Grunt: "They're everywhere!" The animator
: did a great job, he really looks terrified ;).
: I wonder if they will just try to get away from
: you or run for their friends or an alarm console.

The displayed AI is pretty much my only concern based on the video footage. The Elite trooper trying to flank you is not bad. The grunt running away in terror/overwhelming odds is very nice. But I was disappointed in the actual attack behaviours of the aliens. The elite aliens in particular (the grunts could be excused for being 'dumb') showed too much of a tendency to just stand there and shoot at you while taking return fire. No dodging. No moving and shooting at the same time. No shooting from cover. I'd expect an elite, intelligent enemy to be a little more 'smart'.

At any rate, they've got over a year to tighten the AI up for the PC/Mac release..... :\

Message Index


Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Mark Levin 3/21/01 1:34 p.m.
     Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)nexZ 3/21/01 1:46 p.m.
     Afraid of what you'll find if you step back inside *NM*LTJ 3/21/01 1:57 p.m.
     Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Johnny Rotten 3/21/01 2:02 p.m.
           Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)mattd 3/21/01 2:52 p.m.
           Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Case 3/21/01 4:33 p.m.
                 Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)rosignol 3/21/01 5:05 p.m.
                 Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Johnny Rotten 3/21/01 5:25 p.m.
                       Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Case 3/21/01 5:47 p.m.
                             Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)rosignol 3/21/01 5:55 p.m.
                                   Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)Louis Wu 3/21/01 7:46 p.m.
                             Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)CyberBob =PN= 3/22/01 1:33 a.m.
     Re: Rate of firePilate's Dog 3/21/01 2:45 p.m.
           Re: Rate of firerosignol 3/21/01 3:39 p.m.
                 Re: Rate of fireXplo Eristotle 3/22/01 1:17 a.m.
                       Re: Rate of firerosignol 3/22/01 12:00 p.m.
     Re: Comments on Halo movie (LONG)rosignol 3/21/01 5:27 p.m.

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