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Re: The Pillars
Posted By: FoxHound <>Date: 3/13/01 4:59 a.m.

In Response To: Re: The Pillars (Tursas)

: I don't think that the community has ever found a literary reference for The
: Pillar of Autumn.

: I'm just itching for somebody to prove me wrong.

OK, The messages come from the ship, but who is sending the messages? Is it AI or human? Was the ship all they knew, their home, their universe, before Halo?
Well here's something that made me think last night...

'The Stargate Conspiracy' (Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
military intelligence and the mysteries of ancient Egypt)

Cairo is/was the centre of worship of Ra, the Sun God and contained
temples to the creator god, Atum. Cairo's Egyptian name also being
Ounu, translated as 'the pillared city'.... Below Cairo lies
Heliopolis, know to be the principal religious /theology and
cosmology centre. Heliopolis was/is also seen as 'the chosen seats of gods'
and 'the birthplace of the gods'. Indeed there are several legends of secret writings or 'Hall of Records' said to be inscribed on pillars set in Egypt...

So we have, Cario or the 'The Pillared City' the birthplace and chosen abode of the gods, in particular the source of creation, Atum (Autumn). So "The Pillar of Autumn" being singlular could be refering to 'the'ship. There is a whole load more on Atum and the Heliopolis system that I've left which is easy to parallel with the concept of the Halo world. The fact Halo and the covenant hava a classical 'flavour' is interesting.

"Before Atum's act of creation, the universe was a formless watery void, called Nun. Out of this void emerged a phallic-shaped hill, the sacred Hill of Atum. Although a metaphor, it was also believed that this landmark was a physical place, the real site of the beginning of all things"

...could this 'Pillar of Autumn' really lead the Marines to a site of the beginning of all things i.e the Halo construct?

...well, you asked :)

Message Index


The PillarsFoxHound 3/12/01 10:48 a.m.
     Re: The PillarsZodiac 3/12/01 11:04 a.m.
           Re: The PillarsDead Glory 3/12/01 11:35 a.m.
           This is just plain wrong.Louis Wu 3/12/01 12:43 p.m.
     Re: The PillarsTursas 3/12/01 7:10 p.m.
           Re: The PillarsFoxHound 3/13/01 4:59 a.m.
                 Re: The PillarsDead Glory 3/13/01 9:29 a.m.
                       Re: The PillarsFoxHound 3/14/01 3:38 a.m.
                 Re: The Pillars (Halo's not what we think)Pico 3/13/01 11:13 a.m.
                 That is SO FF'n COOL *NM*Dirty Clown 3/13/01 2:21 p.m.

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