
Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?
Posted By: the Battle CatDate: 12/2/03 7:23 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated? (Ojo)

: I had that game - never had a problem with it......now dont take this too
: seriously but.......i had a 7100/66 - it was one cursed computer! Nothing
: worked right on it, it would just slowly corrupt its own hard drive and
: wierd crap like that.

: I bet the game will work on whatever mac you have now.

Hey, I still have that 7100/66. It never gave me a problem other than the normal wear and tear on a computer. These days it makes a great electric typewriter! ?=)

I remember loading Prime Target up right after I got my newest computer, an old sawtooth G4/450. I didn't remember it working then but I thought your advice was still worth taking so I reinstalled Prime Target on my machine to give it another try. It is now upgraded with a 1Ghz cpu, 896MB of memory and a Radeon 8500 running OS10.2.8 and OS9.2.2. It was outright too funky to run in Classic so I quit out and booted into OS9. I bumped the games memory up to 50 megs so memory would not be an issue. I ran into these problems (which I now remember were actually the problems I first encountered):

Mouse and Keyboard:

On Mouse to View: the mouse view is jumpy. If I just sit there and look at the screen with my hands off the mouse, the screen is jittery enough that it is impossible to make out any detail, such as someone shooting at you from 15 wu away. If I grab the mouse and start moving and aiming, the jitter stays and is joined by a tendency for the view to constantly look down.

On Mouse to Move: This works fine if you want to use the mouse like Wolfenstein or Doom. If you push the mouse forward, you move forward, back and you move back, side to side turns you. You are unable to look up and down with the mouse. If you use your running keys to move forward and back and side step, and you use the mouse to turn it is almost workable except you almost always nudge the mouse forward or backward slightly and this is enough to have you suddenly running in that direction.

Keyboard only:

You keyboarders will be happy to know that keyboard only controls seem to work perfectly. It's just us mousers who get the shaft on this one.

If anyone is familiar with these problems and knows a workaround then I would very much appreciate hearing them. I checked MacSoft, Versiontracker and macgamefiles for update patches to Prime Target but none exist that I could find.

Gary Simmons
the Battle Cat

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Pre-2004 Posts


Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?some guy 5/18/01 4:35 p.m.
     Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?Hamish Sinclair 5/19/01 1:59 a.m.
           Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?Locucious 5/19/01 6:11 a.m.
                 Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?Hamish Sinclair 5/19/01 7:24 a.m.
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                             Re: You can get Damage Inc by...Some guy 5/19/01 9:56 a.m.
                                   I hear...Harry 5/19/01 10:54 a.m.
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                       Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?julian 11/20/03 10:14 p.m.
                             Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?the Battle Cat 11/23/03 7:59 a.m.
                       Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?the Battle Cat 11/23/03 8:18 a.m.
                             Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?Dogan 11/25/03 1:43 p.m.
                                   Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?the Battle Cat 11/26/03 7:32 a.m.
                                         Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?Ojo 11/30/03 1:16 p.m.
                                               Re: Anyone out there played Damage Incorporated?the Battle Cat 12/2/03 7:23 a.m.

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